Tag Archive for 'sedentari'

From hunters-gatherers to sedentary

Source: O’Keefe JH, Vogel R, Lavie CJ, Cordain L. Achieving hunter-gatherer fitness in the 21(st) century: back to the future. Am J Med. 2010; 123(12):1082-6.

The systematic displacement from a very physically active lifestyle in our natural outdoor environment to a sedentary, indoor lifestyle is at the root of many of the ubiquitous chronic diseases that are endemic in our culture. The intuitive solution is to simulate the indigenous human activity pattern to the extent that this is possible and practically achievable. Suggestions for exercise mode, duration, intensity, and frequency are outlined with a focus on realigning our daily physical activities with the archetype that is encoded within our genome.

A large amount of background daily light-to-moderate activity such as walking was required. Although the distances covered would have varied widely, most estimates indicate average daily distances covered were in the range of 6 to 16 km. The hunter-gatherers’ daily energy expenditures for physical activity typically were at least 800 to 1200 kcal, or about 3 to 5 times more than the average American adult today.

1. A large amount of background daily light-to-moderate activity such as walking was required. Although the distances covered would have varied widely, most estimates indicate average daily distances covered were in the range of 6 to 16 km. The hunter-gatherers’ daily energy expenditures for physical activity typically were
at least 800 to 1200 kcal, or about 3 to 5 times more than the average American adult today.
2. Hard days were typically followed by an easier day. Ample time for rest, relaxation, and sleep was generally
available to ensure complete recovery after strenuous exertion.
3. Walking and running were done on natural surfaces such as grass and dirt, often over uneven ground. Concrete and asphalt surfaces are largely foreign to our genetic identity.
4. Interval training sessions, involving intermittent bursts of moderate- to high-level intensity exercise with intervening periods of rest and recovery, should be performed once or twice per week.
5. Regular sessions of weight training and other strength and flexibility building exercises are essential for optimizing musculoskeletal and general health and fitness. These need to be performed at least 2 or 3 times per week, for at least 20 to 30 minutes per session.
6. Virtually all of the exercise was done outdoors in the natural world.
7. Much of the physical activity was done in context of a social setting (small bands of individuals out hunting or foraging). Exercising with one or more partners improves adherence and mood.
8. Except for the very young and the very old, all individuals were, by necessity, physically active almost their entire lives.

Holidays in movement

Summer vacation’s coming and we all want to move more… We feel the need to do something different, to overcome laziness, to get out of the fear of getting sick being in the middle of nature, breathing cleaner air and feeling the body and mind.

So what are the needs to which this need to be physically active provides an answer:

  • Movement - We live in a society that forces us to lead a sedentary life, walking to work or playing in the street are almost unthinkable activities and we must make up for this reduction in spontaneous movement by institutionalizing moments of the day to be dedicated exclusively to physical/sports activities.
  • Educating own body – The best example is given by children in their first years of life, observing them is enough to understand how much effort they put in learning to walk and run or in acquiring those processes of self-regulation that allow them to learn and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Self-realization - A modality linked to sport for all consists in maintaining a condition of satisfactory psychophysical well-being. Those who use substances that are harmful to health or abuse drugs to improve their physical appearance or sports performance are not acceptable as forms of positive enhancement.
  • Belonging - For many people, the search for social contact through sports practice is one of the main motivation. Sport becomes synonymous with group activity. One activity above all: running; an individual sport that takes place in a group, because the need to be together is a fundamental psychological dimension.
  • Game and adventure - Sport for all means sport for everyone, in which the subjectivity and needs of the individual prevail over the rule of the traditional competitive model. Adventure is that of the sedentary person who decides to overcome his or her mental resistance to follow a program of physical activity in the gym.
  • Living in a natural environment - Doing physical activity immersed in nature does not arise solely from the pleasure of breathing cleaner air or smelling scents that we are no longer used to in the city. It’s a deepneed coming from our soul.

So little and already sedentary

I wrote yesterday about the relevant role played by parents in determining the lifestyle physically active or passive of their children. Today, the results of the research titled “Piccoli più” have been presented and unfortunately they are not positive for the Italian parents. This study is a national project funded and promoted by the National Centre for Prevention and Disease Control – Ministry of Health. The research is based on the observation of 3000 children in five Italian cities. The participants were studied through questionnaires completed by parents and visits at 6, 12, 24 months of life. Unfortunately, the results demonstrate the negative role played by many parents in the first year of life, that with their lifestyle stimulate the children to a sedentary lifestyle.

Healthy weight – Comparing the weights and heights of children participating in the project with the guidelines of the World Health Organization it has been showed that at 12 months 23.4% of males and 22.1% of females is above the threshold used to define overweight. Childhood obesity is already present in the first year.

Accidents in the 1st year of life – The 21.2% of the children had an accident in the first 12 months of life, largely a fall from a mezzanine floor which necessitated the emergency room.

Use of TV, PC and tablet – 72% of parents stated that the child of one year uses the television or other electronic media (PC, tablet, smartphone) with no difference between weekdays or weekends. In 21% of cases the exposure is already more than 1 hour per day. The 8% of parents said to leave the child alone in front of the television.

Moving – Only 1 in 4 women have practiced sport during pregnancy on regular basis. Also 1 in 3 women reported having risen at least once a week in activities like walking or cycling on average for 3-4 hours a week.

Family builds the young sedentarity

Often to explain the high percentage of young Italian sedentary it’s said that it’s the fault of the school that does not promote program of physical activity, not by stimulating their participation in the world of sports. Certainly this is one of the explanations of the reduced athletic involvement of adolescents. But there is another important issue to keep in mind and directly affects families. Let’s just say that most of the Italian families do not conduct a lifestyle physically active, even adults aged 25 to 65 years practice rarely sport and are often overweight:

  • 32% of adults are overweight and 11% are obese.
  • 20% of adults are physically active on a continuous basis, the remaining 80%  occasionally practice or it’s completely sedentary.

Many of these adults are parents and their daily example  teachto their children their own life style. So it is not a coincidence that, in Italy, the peak of sporting activities for girls is around 11 years while for boys to 14 years. In the following ages abandoning sports is a constant, characterizing the rest of adolescence and early adulthood.

I heard that instead we should be glad, because these percentages indicate a considerable increase of the sport of adults and young people in the last 30 years. This reasoning is wrong, however, because at that time the adults were much more physically active because they walked more often and for longer distances and the obesity had not yet become a national health problem. Moreover, even if the young at school did little physical activity, they could play in the street and go to the oratory and this made them more active. And they were not chased by parents with their snacks. Today this is impossible, there is no more free  and spontaneous play, and there are other forms of entertainment that take them away from the sport.

Finally, the parents are a decisive issue for the development of a physically active lifestyle and they should be sensitized and helped to make the right choices for themselves and for their children.

Sedentary people increase in South Europe

As well as highlighting which UE Member States’ citizens engage the most in sport and physical activity, the new Eurobarometer survey emphasises socio-demographic results and the context in which people exercise. It also reveals how people perceive the opportunities for sport and physical activity in their areas and how much time they spend on voluntary activity linked to sport. The survey shows large differences among Member States. It follows previous largely comparable surveys carried out in 2002 and 2009. The number of people saying they never exercise or play sport has increased by three percentage points since the 2009 survey (from 39% to 42%). A similar proportion exercise or play sport at least once a week (41%, an increase of one percentage point from the previous survey).

48% engage in other physical activity, for recreational or non-sport-related reasons, such as cycling from one place to another, dancing or gardening at least once a week, while 30% never do this kind of activity at all.

Overall, men in the EU exercise, play sport or engage in other physical activity more than women. This disparity is particularly marked in the 15-24 age group, with considerably more young men tending to exercise or play sport on a regular basis than young women (74% vs 55%). The amount of regular activity people engage decreases with age: 71% of women and 70% of men in the 55+ age group never or seldom exercise or play sport.

Over the course of a week, 54% of respondents did not engage in any vigorous activity (four percentage points lower than 2002) and 44% did not do any moderate physical activity (up three percentage points compared with 2002). 13% of EU citizens did not walk for at least 10 minutes on a given day within a week (four percentage points lower than 2002). On a usual day, about two-thirds (69%) of respondents spend between 2.5 and 8.5 hours sitting (an increase of five percentage points compared with 2002), while 11% sit for more than 8.5 hours and 17% for 2.5 hours or less.

Today all to the Park and less sedentary

If we go every sunday to the park as today that it’s holiday we will be less sedentary

Diabetes and sport

It’s finished a few days ago a bike tour of people with diabetes with the project “BiciCuoreDiabete” went from Milan in Italy to Walkerburg in Belgium along 1309 km. The goal has been to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity to prevent and treat diabetes. In fact, the most common form of diabetes is linked to a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, which causes this disease in over40 especially if overweight or obese. A correct diet and regular physical activity would lead to a reduction of up to 40% of cases of diabetes. The movement is still very useful also in persons already ill, because it increases the ability of cells to absorb glucose. The bike seems to be the sport of excellence not only it is and aerobic activity but also because it is a sport not traumatic, not as the running that is not indicated in adults, sedentaries and overweight.

Italians: more sedentaries than physical actives

Italiani popolo di santi, poeti e navigatori, ma non di lettori e anche gli sportivi scarseggiano: basti pensare che solo 1 su 3 pratica sport. Secondo >il rapporto “Noi Italia” dell’Istat anche il numero dei sedentari rimane alto, circa il 40%. Che cosa c’è dietro questi dati e come leggerli? Lo abbiamo chiesto ad Antonio Mussino, professore di statistica dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza.

“L’Istat definisce quattro gruppi: chi pratica sport con continuità; chi pratica sport in modo saltuario; chi svolge una qualche forma di attività fisica; chi non fa nessuna di queste attività e, pertanto, può essere definito sedentario. La classificazione che noi proponiamo è più semplice: gli sportivi, ossia coloro che dichiarano di praticare con continuità uno sport; gli attivi, ossia coloro che praticano in modo saltuario e coloro che comunque hanno uno stile di vita attivo perché praticano un’attività fisica; i sedentari, ossia i non attivi”.

“Cominciamo dagli sportivi, per il quali la tendenza è di una leggera crescita, avendo ormai stabilmente, se pur di poco, superato la soglia del 20% (mentre prima del 2002 eravamo sotto); questo risultato, che va in controtendenza rispetto alle varie crisi economiche che si stanno succedendo dall’inizio del nuovo millennio, è spiegabile col fattore culturale, dato che chi ha scelto una pratica sportiva continuativa la considera una componente inderogabile del proprio stile di vita ed è disposto a fare sacrifici per perseguire il suo obiettivo. Il fattore demografico, ovvero il costante invecchiamento della popolazione, se da un lato porta a un calo della percentuale di sportivi, poiché i tassi di partecipazione diminuiscono al crescere dell’età, dall’altro vede una ripresa della pratica continuativa nelle età mature e dopo il pensionamento da parte di generazioni di anziani. Questa categoria ha una ancor buona qualità della vita, molto tempo libero e un approccio culturale favorevole ad uno stile di vita sportivo. Non a caso, a fronte di un calo di sportivi in quasi tutte le fasce d’età dal 2010 al 2011, in quella dai 60 ai 64 anni c’è stato, invece, un incremento di ben un punto percentuale (dal 13,1% al 14,1%)!”.

“Passiamo ai sedentari e agli attivi – conclude Mussino – che sono complementari, data la stazionarietà degli sportivi: l’onda lunga degli anni ’80 con la sempre maggiore diffusione di stili di vita attiva sembra essere entrata in crisi all’inizio del nuovo millennio, probabilmente per le difficoltà economiche legate all’entrata in vigore dell’euro. Da allora il sorpasso dei sedentari sugli attivi si è consolidato, salvo il caso del 2010, che aveva fatto pensare a una inversione di tendenza. Anche in questo caso è, probabilmente, il fattore economico ad aver provocato il controsorpasso, anche perché non si può attribuirne la responsabilità al fattore demografico, visto che i sedentari aumentano tra i giovani e i giovanissimi, in particolare tra i bambini dai 6 ai 10 anni di quasi due punti percentuali (dal 22,4% al 24,3%).
Fonte: UISP Press