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The mental warm-up

Many athletes have no idea about the mental warm-up and think that it’s enough to heat only the body to be ready for training and the competitions. The mental warm-up guide the mind towards the main activities that the athlete will perform during the training session. It’s useful to activate the relationship between body, mind (cognitive and emotional processes) and motivation. When the athletes activate only the body, the risk is that they do not feel motivated to perform that workout or to begin without having reached the level of concentration needed to work effectively. It also allows to train the sense of responsibility of the athletes to get in each training session in the best physical and mental condition and it’s a way to prove to yourself that you want to be totally involved in what you will do in that day. A question that it should be asked is: ” How do I know that I am ready? And if not,  what I have to do to immediately change this attitude that prevents me”.

The easy actions influencing positively the mind

Start to be more positive towards ourselves and more convinced to provide a good performance is based on the effective start showing some simple behaviors but can pass a performance from negative to positive.

These simple actions are:

  1. After a mistake take a deep breath and immediately imagine what must be done at that time.
  2. When you are too worried about the competition that you have to start, you have to imagine a positive past performance and let you feel the feelings you have while doing this exercise.
  3. During the warm-up you need to find the right feeling with the ball, the racket or the sail, you must feel that this tool is our own.
  4. During the warm-up must also be aware that the body is preparing for the competition and get pleasure from the sensations that tell that you are preparing well.
  5. You have to mentally imagine, for example if your sport is running, to feel the legs moving as you expect it to be or in case you feel too rigid insist in the warm-up to dissolve the useless muscle tensions . In relation to other sports it needs to identify what are the best exercises that tell you are ready, and devote yourself to feel the feelings for you right before the sport event.

These are just some examples of what it can do for an athlete to learn to drive himself to get in the best state of mind before and during the race.

Il riscaldamento mentale

In most sports cannot be a good start to a race if you do not feel mentally ready. You need to have the feeling that tells you: “I’m ready”. If this is true, why is the warm-up only physical and the mental part is neglected? When the coaches  will be aware not just say, “Ok guys, I recommend focused.”

Il riscaldamento è anche mentale

Molti allenatori spesso mi chiedono come sia possibile entrare pronti in gara sino dal primo istante. Non vi è una risposta unica poichè la prontezza dipende dallo stato di forma di quel momento, dai risultati delle gare precedenti o ancora dall’importanza della competzioni che deve affrontare. Al di là di questi fattori, però, è risaputo che gli atleti si prepararno alla gara attraverso il riscaldamento fisico. E’ a questo punto che ci si deve porre la domanda seguente: cosa faccio per riscaldare la mente? Cosa faccio, quindi, per potere Spesso atleti e allenatori non sanno rispondere a questa domanda perchè non ci hanno mai pensato, per loro il riscaldamento o prontezza mentale pre-gara viene spontaneamente e comunque è subordinata di molto al riscaldamento fisico che una volta raggiunto porterebbe con se anche quello mentale.