Tag Archive for 'psicologi'

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The numbers about the psychologists in US and Italy

In 2017, about 3.5 million people in the United States held a bachelor’s degree in psychology.1 Of those:

  • About 499,000 (14%) also held graduate degrees in psychology, with 13% earning a psychology master’s degree and 4% earning a psychology doctorate or professional degree. The overlapping 3% earned both master’s and doctoral or professional degrees.2
  • About 30% held graduate degrees in fields other than psychology, such as education, health and social services.3
  • The remaining 2 million (56%) did not earn graduate degrees.
  • The proportion of psychology bachelor’s degree holders who held a graduate degree was progressively higher from the “ages 24 or younger” group through the “ages 30–34” group, then stabilized, suggesting that the majority of people complete their graduate education by age 30.

In Italy, I found little information available from the web.

The tendency to continue with the studies after the bachelor degree is also evident from the data coming from the Italian Associaton of Psychologists, according to which almost all of the approximately 105,000 psychologists are registered in section A of the register, reserved for those who have in their CV not only the three-year degree but also the graduate degree, plus a year’s training and passing the State examination for professional qualification. Only a few hundred are enrolled in section B, which provides for various limitations on professional practice and which can be accessed only with a three-year degree (bachelor), accompanied by semi-annual training and due state examination. Of the 105,000 enrolled in the register, however, only 60,000 actually carry out the profession of psychologist: there is therefore a difficulty in actively entering the labor market is obvious.

Be focused on the new data and read

 New sport season, new challenges

For all: let’s read more, let’s read much more, don’t settle for what we know

Stay incredulous of what little we know

Don’t think we’ve studied already too much

Let’s be amazed with the new concepts and data coming from science 

Italian sport psychologists talk about their job

New trends in Sport psychology, special issue of the Italian Journal, Movimento, 3, 2018

17 Italian sport psychologists talk of your job in sport answering at four questions:

  • What motivated you to start the career of sport psychologist?
  • What do you like of this job in SP?
  • Which are the SP areas where you like to work.
  • Describe your current job in PS.
The experts involved are the following:
Giovanna Barazzutti, Emiliano Bernardi, Sara Biondi, Gladys Bounous, Edoardo Ciofi, Cristiana Conti, Sarah Corazzi, Sergio Costa, Sara Landi, Sammy Marcantognini, Stefania Ortensi, Barbara Rossi, Daniela Sepio, Flavia Sferragatta, Matteo Simone, Cecilia Somigli e Graziella Zitelli.

Sport psychology: new trends and new professional jobs

Alberto Cei (2018). Psicologo dello sport: nuove tendenze e sviluppi professionali, Movimento, 3, 57-66.

Sport psychology is a scientific and professional field in continuous development, as many other areas of psychology and in the last 10 years occurred several situations that have changed this job deeply. This contribution will be described seven areas protagonists of these changes. They refer to: sport psychology and performance psychology, the psychologist in youth programs, sport psychology, performance and stress management; sport psychology and mental health of athletes, sport psychology and disability, sport psychology and physically active lifestyle and sport psychology 4.0. The purpose of this article is to deepen the knowledge in the areas of sport psychology consultancy, providing cues for reflection in relation to where it’s going and how is moving this work context and stimulating the professionals to develop counseling programs, increasingly adapted to the new demands of the sporting world.

How many types of athletes’ awareness do you know?

Brad Gilbert said that the tennis players usually spend for their mental preparation the same time they spend to learn to jump the rope. This means that usually they are not aware about their mental skills. Therefore you as psychologist how much time you spend to improve the athletes’ awareness? The question is also:
How many types of athletes’ awareness do you know and how is your intervention?
  1. Proprioceptive awareness
  2. Mistake awareness
  3. Awareness about the reaction to the mistakes
  4. Skill awareness
  5. Goal awareness
  6. Awareness about his/her learning style
  7. Value awareness
  8. Confidence awareness
  9. Awareness of the coach role
  10. Performance awareness
  11. Awareness about his/her life style
  12. Awareness of his/her relationship with the coach and staff

A growing demand for sport psychologists

A growing demand for sport psychologists

With the issues of mental health, violence and activism in sports on the rise, more athletes and teams are seeking the expertise of sport psychologists

By Kirsten Weir the article of American Psychological Association


In Italy master in PS don’t help to find work

In Italia la questione della formazione in psicologia dello sport degli psicologi continua a essere un problema non risolto. Tralasciando quelli il cui solo scopo è di fare lavorare i formatori che v’insegnano, anche quelli meglio strutturati hanno notevoli limiti.

Vediamo quali sono a mio avviso:

  1. La quasi totalità propone una formazione centrata a insegnare competenze che dovranno servire per lavorare nell’ambito della prestazione di livello assoluto ed essenzialmente con gli atleti, ignorando la consulenza con gli allenatori o l’organizzazione sportiva. In tal modo molti aspetti del mondo sportivo di alto livello non vengono considerati e i giovani laureati avranno, di conseguenza, difficoltà a interagire con una parte fondamentale (gli allenatori, i dirigenti) dell’ambiente degli atleti.
  2. Due ambiti importanti di lavoro vengono tralasciati nella formazione in psicologia dello sport. Il primo riguarda i programmi di avviamento allo sport (6-12 anni) e l’età dell’adolescenza. Questo ambito, è tra l’altro uno di quelli più facilmente aperti agli psicologi ma in cui è necessario avere delle competenze specifiche mentre quelle riguardanti l’alto livello non sono spendibili se pensiamo all’infanzia e vanno comunque adeguate anche nelle diverse età dell’adolescenza. In queste fasce di età, inoltre, il rapporto con i genitori rappresenta un altro fattore con cui si deve interagire in modo costruttivo. Il secondo ambito importante riguarda, lo sport come diritto di cittadinanza e come fattore di benessere. Anche in questo settore gli psicologi non acquisiscono competenze, se non una generica convinzione che lo sport è un fattore essenziale per la vita di ognuno e della comunità.
  3. Un campo in cui gli psicologi non hanno competenze specifiche riguarda la metodologia dell’allenamento e l’insegnamento sportivo. Com’è possibile interagire con gli allenatori (molti dei quali oggi sono laureati in scienze motorie che hanno sostenuto diversi esami di psicologia) se non si conosce il loro mondo e se non si ha consapevolezza di come s’imparano i gesti sportivi, di cosa sia l’apprendimento motorio o di quale sia l’interazione fra preparazione fisica e psicologia?
  4. Un ulteriore aspetto limitativo dei master odierni è la mancanza di un tirocinio supervisionato per un tempo adeguato (almeno di quattro mesi) presso un’organizzazione sportiva. Ciò che è comune in qualsiasi altro tipo di master, è invece pressoché assente nei master in psicologia dello sport.
  5. Un ultimo aspetto limitante le proposte formative attuali, riguarda l’assenza di come lo psicologo dovrebbe proporsi nell’ambito territoriale e professionale in cui intende svolgere la sua attività. Il tema è quello del marketing di se stessi, essenziale, poiché bisogna sapere come proporsi, come costruire il proprio network professionale, come scrivere un progetto e negoziare un budget, come interagire con i dirigenti di un società sportiva che probabilmente hanno un’idea generica di quali servizi lo psicologo dello sport potrebbe offrire.
A mio avviso, la mancanza di questi ambiti formativi riduce notevolmente le opportunità di promozione e diffusione di questo ambito lavorativo, lasciando lo psicologo in una condizione di minorità rispetto alle altre professionalità che da tempo operano in modo consolidato nello sport.

Training Courses in Integrated Soccer

Teaching sport requires competence and professional responsibility. In particular, teaching team sport like soccer to children with intellectual and social disabilities requires a training that goes beyond that absolutely important obtained through university graduation. For these reasons the ASD Integrated Soccer Academy promotes two free training courses, financed by the Presidency of the Regional Council of Lazio, in collaboration with the Italian Paralympic Committee, the Italian Federation Paralympic Sports of the Relational Intellectual and AS Roma. These training courses aim to teach operators coming from different professional fields to work in integrated soccer programs for children (6-12 years) with intellectual and social disabilities. The training is based on the experience of the AS Roma and AS Integrated Soccer Academy  within the project “Soccer Together”: a model of integration through soccer, for children with intellectual disabilities. The course is divided into a general theoretical part and a practical part. The main teaching tool is the interaction of the participants through working groups and practical situations in class as on the pitch. The use of interactive class situations has the goal to develop a learning group participation. Training days are aimed, moreover, to provide the skills needed to support, help and guide children with disabilities, but also to properly handle any problems. The kick and the ball will be key tools to guide the child in learning sports, develop motor skill and the social and psychological aspects.  At the end of training the participants will have acquired the basic skills to train, manage and evaluate integrated soccer activities for children with intellectual and social disabilities. The course consists of 20 hours of lecture and 4 hours of practical training. The course is open to motor science graduates, psychologists and sport physicians.

For further information please contact:

ASD Accademia Calcio Integrato

e-mail: segreteria@accademiacalciointegrato.org


A survey on Psychology market in Italy

Saturday 11.12.2016 in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology “La Sapienza” University of Rome was presented a market survey on professional psychology in Italy organized by ENPAP National Welfare and Assistance for Psychologists.

Starting from the evidence that the demand for psychology is no longer addresses only to cure the malaise but to the promotion and spread of wealth, the institution has commissioned to  a research institute a survey during the summer of 2015. The research was structured into:  focus groups, interviews with various experts, about a thousand questionnaires were administered to the population and a desk analysis.

During the presentation  were highlighted some data about the current situation of the professional market in psychology.

One of the most interesting data is that the demand of psychology is in significant and steady growth, in fact there was been a progressive increase in the income received from members since 1996 (year of the foundation Ente) since now; the annual income produced by psychological services in the Italian market has gone, in 20 years, from 110 million to about 800 million euro.

It is noted that the overall average  income for 2014 is € 13,360.The survey shows that the market is in great transformation, in fact, the professional psychology is confronted with new order issues not strictly clinical.

Society’s requests to psychologists can be very different from the past and the theme of professional repositioning may be even more important than it has been in recent years.

One of the questions which the survey answers is on population’s perception of  the figure of the psychologist among the population: the psychologist is no longer seen as “crazy people’s  doctor” but as a private practitioner “specialist of the mind” that can offer support specifically, helping finding well-being and emotional balance or bring out latent problems.

Its main capabilities are: to balance, to treat, to cure and to improve.

In conclusion, we can imagine a perspective in which the psychologist will explore new applications to meet the contemporary needs of society, will be closer to the population in the growing uncertainty about the future.

Source: E-Book: Market survey on professional psychology in Italy, new needs, new areas, new roles. By ENPAP


by Emiliano Bernardi e Massimiliano de Angelis

Soccer School for children with intellectual disabilities

«AS Roma is pleased to announce that, since January 2016, the Club promotes and supports the “Calcio Insieme”, a program born from the collaboration between the Fondazione Roma Cares e l’Associazione dilettantistica “Calcio integrato” the training pitch of Italian Olympic Center “Giulio Onesti” were made available at boys and girls, aged between six and twelve years old, suffering from intellectual disabilities of various levels, supported by a pool of doctors, speech therapists and instructors.
The goals are the development of the physical and psychosocial well-being of children, the reduction of stress related to their living conditions, to increase their self-assessment skills and the motivation to motor activity.
A technical team of AS Roma, with sport psychologists, has developed specific educational methodologies to create a safe, comfortable and never boring environment.
Among the results expected, there is the development of the culture of integration  and the education to the values ​​of sport through the soccer.
“Roma is a great social platform, and we are conscious of the responsibility that comes – says the AS Roma general manager, Mauro Baldissoni -. I hope this is one of the many experiments that we will put up in action. Sport has always been an aggregator and along a motivational tool to go over the limits. Have on the pitch children with intellectual disabilities  is a chance for them to improve.”
The instructors were joined by a medical team, coordinated by Professor Alberto Cei, scientific director of “Calcio Insieme”, looking closely the progress of these young athletes, looking for improvements in the movement coordination, in their self-awareness or more simply in daily life.
“Soccer can be a vital tool to help children with mental disabilities to develop yourself – explains Patrizia Minocchi, president of ASD Calcio Integrato-. This magical tool, the ball, has already yielded the first results, the children are learning to relate with the others.”»