Tag Archive for 'progetti'

Why new year’s resolutions fail

The first days of the year are generally those in which people express good intentions to change Usually they want to become more physically active, follow a diet, have more time and take care of themselves, reduce the stresses of daily life and so on.

Many of these projects remain at the level of intention without ever being translated into practice, others are carried out for a while and few are those that become part of daily life, changing it in a positive and lasting way. The latter are conducted by people who have managed to transform their discomfort through actions from which they derive pleasure, perhaps they have chosen activities that they feel close to their character and in which they feel supported by their partner, family and friends. When this attunement is achieved, it is much more likely that the projects of change will be successful and change their lifestyle in a stable way.

On the contrary, in the absence of this combination of factors, the activities that lead to change are perceived as boring or too tiring, the pleasure is completely absent and people feel obliged to follow what they are told, as if they were following a medical treatment. It is quite obvious that when faced with the first obstacles these people abandon their initial plans.

Basically, before jumping into new projects it is necessary to be aware of what are the new and more positive activities that could produce a feeling of pleasure and what is needed to produce a positive emotional impact on oneself. Without finally forgetting to have good supporters to the realization of this change.

Fotografia Di Messa A Fuoco Selettiva Della Persona Che Tiene L'avventura Inizia La Tazza

L’atletica italiana non esiste

Se fossi la Federazione di Atletica Leggera farei un bel concorso per richiedere progetti che rifondino questo sport in Italia e nominerei un piccolo gruppo, metà uomini e metà donne, di intelligenze brillanti e operative, che non abbiano mai ricoperto incarichi nell’atletica per scegliere alcuni di questi progetti e realizzarli.

Loro sono andati via

Dall’articolo di Gianni Clerici su Repubblica: “… non c’è davvero un modo di evitare la fuga di questi cervelli all’estero, invece che rendergli la vita difficile in patria?” Questo è il caso di Claudio Pistolesi, allenatore di tennis, emigrato all’estero. Ma quanti sono gli italiani che allenano fuori perchè non vi sono più progetti e opportunità, perchè la competitività sta scomparendo e si spera in qualche atleta naturalizzato o nel caso. Non sono i giovani che non vogliono impegnarsi; la mancanza è delle organizzazioni sportive. Vi è mancanza di volontà di conoscenza e se gli atleti vogliono migliorare o fare qualcosa di diverso devono mettere mano loro stessi al portafoglio.