Tag Archive for 'Paura'

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Juventus: from the abyss to success

Juventus had expected the test to be who it said it was and not a scary team in Europe. Juventus has due to arrive on the edge of the abyss to know its value. Juventus in this match has been fighting continuously. Now he must learn to think better as a team. After going ahead, it was expected that the Greeks would attack to get the equalizer and, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened after just two minutes. Be calm would allow him to predict the reaction of the opponent and get ready to fight it. In fact until the second goal Olympiacos Juventus played and it went on and on but in a confused way. Then the incredible happened, Juventus has changed his fate because the fighting has combined the strength and the conviction that it was possible to win. And that has made ​​all the difference compared to the first half. The next time it might find this state of mind before being at one step from the abyss, because the other teams do not always allow this type of recovery. A big step forward, but the European mentality does not exist yet.

Are you proud to do your best?

An important key point for athletes is to be proud with themselves  for having done their best even if they have made ​​mistakes. In doing so, they will have less fear of making mistakes, as they consider the  information coming from the errors as necessary, though not pleasant, to do better next time. This thinking can lead them to continue  to choose challenging targets because they are not frightened by failure and they are aware that they will always have the opportunity to try it again. In the long period, being focused on performance (do your best) and not on the result (win, lose) will lead them most likely to achieve their potential and to abandon the idea of being afraid of making mistakes.

Confidence and decision are two key factors of a match

In team sports, the technique and tactics must become automatized through training, in this way the players can implement them without thinking in advance how they should have to play, but based on what it’s happening at any given time on the field they know in advance what to do. The intensity and quality of training allow teams to put in place their competences even in difficult conditions, under  stress and fatigue. In addition, the teams that have also top-players obviously have more weapons to prove their worth and prevail over their opponents. There is, however, another factor that may hinder or promote the team play skills. It’s a psychological factor that refers to the mental attitude with which a team takes the field and can thus arise:

  • it’s an attitude convinced of the own abilities and decided to assert them in the field with a combative behavior of the players,
  • it’s an attitude convinced of the own abilities, but for some reason the team believes that this attitude will spontaneously out during the game,
  • it’s an approach not fully convinced of the own abilities and those fears are manifested during the game through game errors.

I am personally convinced of the need to train the players to live the matches with the first attitude of the three, in which the belief is combined with the awareness of having to show this attitude in any moment of the match. Many teams do not always show this attitude and then they make mistakes like those of superficiality made by Juventus players against Galatasaray. Then to play at the highest levels the top players are necessary and the same for the tactical schema, but in the same time it serves to demonstrate that the team  is able to exert a constant pressure on opponents.

Niccolò Campriani teaches how to forget the fear

Read the book written by Niccolò Campriani “Remember to forget the fear,” the London 2012 shooting Olympic champion. First amazes his ability to talk about his life as an athlete, we will read it like a thriller with … also an happy ending. He speaks of himself as a destined for victory, that of Beijing, which, however, does not succeed, and this loss destroys him as a person and show us the way (exhausting) to achieve success. It ‘s a story that has nothing to envy to the one written by Agassi in “Open.” Its a book for all young people who want to realize themselves through sport but it’s also for coaches and managers who too often have a stereotypical idea of young athletes.

150 women who shake the world

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Fear to fail

La paura di fallire è un sentimento sempre presente negli atleti. Spesso sento dire “riuscirò anche quest’anno a fare come l’anno passato?”, “Non soo ancora in forma, riuscirò a esserlo fra un mese alla prima gara?” Domande che possono erodere la fiducia in se stessi e a cui non c’è una risposta certa, “Sì, ce la farai!” Bisogna accettare di correre il rischio, digerire questi dubbi e lavorare con intensità e qualità nel seguire il proprio programma, poi si vedrà.. Bisogna avere fede in se stessi, che significa “Non so se ce la farò, ma sto facendo di tutto per essere pronto quando sarà necessario.”

Anche gli esploratori polari hanno paura

Gro Mjeldheim Sandal è una psicologa norvegese che studia da anni gli stati mentali degli esploratori polari. Attraverso lo studio dei loro diari e le interviste ha evideniztao che quest personeprovano spesso elevati livelli di ansia alla partenza della spedizione. In altre parole non sono immuni dalla paura anche se hanno probabilmente un,livello di soglia più elevato della maggior parte delle altre persone. Usano inoltre strategie menatli per non essere prigionieri delle loro paure, una delle quali consiste nell’accentuare nelle situazioni stressanti i lati positivi rispetto a quelli negativi. Ad esempio l’esploratrice Liv Arnesen scrive nel suo libro “Nice girls don’t walk to the South Pole” di essersi seentita impreparata a affrontare le vaste aree di neve alta sino a due metri. Sono impossibili da superare con gli sci e lei s’immaginava giorni e giorni di battaglia. Gradualmente, invece, è riuscita a accettare la natura del terreno e cominciò a focalizzarsi sull’estetica dell’ambiente. “Se al contrario avessi continuato a concentrarmi sui cumuli di neve non sarebbe stato un viaggio piacevole e poi è meglio cercare qualcosa di positivo”.

Dedicato a chi ha paura di sbagliare

“Nella mia carriera ho sbagliato più di 9.000 tiri. Ho perso circa 300 partite. Per 26 volte ho creduto di fare il tiro-partita e l’ho sbagliato. Nella mia vita ho fallito spesso e ho continuato a sbagliare. Ed è per questo che ho avuto successo” (Michael Jordan ).