Tag Archive for 'obesi'

Family builds the young sedentarity

Often to explain the high percentage of young Italian sedentary it’s said that it’s the fault of the school that does not promote program of physical activity, not by stimulating their participation in the world of sports. Certainly this is one of the explanations of the reduced athletic involvement of adolescents. But there is another important issue to keep in mind and directly affects families. Let’s just say that most of the Italian families do not conduct a lifestyle physically active, even adults aged 25 to 65 years practice rarely sport and are often overweight:

  • 32% of adults are overweight and 11% are obese.
  • 20% of adults are physically active on a continuous basis, the remaining 80%  occasionally practice or it’s completely sedentary.

Many of these adults are parents and their daily example  teachto their children their own life style. So it is not a coincidence that, in Italy, the peak of sporting activities for girls is around 11 years while for boys to 14 years. In the following ages abandoning sports is a constant, characterizing the rest of adolescence and early adulthood.

I heard that instead we should be glad, because these percentages indicate a considerable increase of the sport of adults and young people in the last 30 years. This reasoning is wrong, however, because at that time the adults were much more physically active because they walked more often and for longer distances and the obesity had not yet become a national health problem. Moreover, even if the young at school did little physical activity, they could play in the street and go to the oratory and this made them more active. And they were not chased by parents with their snacks. Today this is impossible, there is no more free  and spontaneous play, and there are other forms of entertainment that take them away from the sport.

Finally, the parents are a decisive issue for the development of a physically active lifestyle and they should be sensitized and helped to make the right choices for themselves and for their children.

Diabetes and sport

It’s finished a few days ago a bike tour of people with diabetes with the project “BiciCuoreDiabete” went from Milan in Italy to Walkerburg in Belgium along 1309 km. The goal has been to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity to prevent and treat diabetes. In fact, the most common form of diabetes is linked to a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, which causes this disease in over40 especially if overweight or obese. A correct diet and regular physical activity would lead to a reduction of up to 40% of cases of diabetes. The movement is still very useful also in persons already ill, because it increases the ability of cells to absorb glucose. The bike seems to be the sport of excellence not only it is and aerobic activity but also because it is a sport not traumatic, not as the running that is not indicated in adults, sedentaries and overweight.