Tag Archive for 'killer'

How the positive thinking can destroy our performance

How many times we have heard we must be optimistic, that we have to believe we can win, or that “with everything we’ve done we deserve to achieve a great result.”

There is apparently nothing of wrong to have this thinking, “That’s the way to push ourselves” many people say.

They also add: “What should I tell: to lose? Nobody start a competition with the goal to lose, therefore, you must start the race with the will to win it, because if you don’t even think it, how will you get it?”

In short, “think positive and you will see that it will happen what do you want.”

Well, all these good thoughts are useless and they can become harmful, because at the first difficulties and errors during the race, the athlete will not be ready to react immediately because he expects to win, that is to say that she is focused on the result and not on what to do to get it. “I was ready … and then things didn’t go as I had expected.”

These are often the words of those who start with a too trusting attitude and then at the end of the performance they attributes the result to something out of themselves, without taking responsibility for what it has happened.

These thoughts, which represent the athletes’ expectations about the race, can really be considered as the performance killers. They are amazed by their own mistakes and the difficulties they face in the race and they have not prepared a plan to react effectively to these situations.

After the bombs, how to restart to run together?

The marathon is a sport event that brings people together, spectators and athletes, in the desire to spend a day of joy. For many running the marathon is the realization of a dream, it’s the expression of their vitality, charged of personal meanings that at Boston join the celebration of Patriot’s Day, the beginning of the war of independence of the colonies American by the British Empire.

Read more on: http://www.huffingtonpost.it/alberto-cei/dopo-il-terrore-di-boston-come-riprendere-a-correre-insieme_b_3092934.html?utm_hp_ref=italy




Can Pistorius go to compete abroad?

Start the new season of athletics and the sports world is facing a new ethical problem: Pistorius could compete in a meeting if he will be invited? We know that he is accused of killing his girlfriend and that he defends himself saying that he thought it was a thief. From a legal standpoint the judge who is following the case said it may leave South Africa as long as they present the travel plan. Someone will invite you to advertise his meeting? Does Pistorius want to race? His manager, Van Zyl, says that next week, will speak with him and his coach about his future.

I hope that the process will soon make!

Pistorius from hero to killer

In recent years the sport has often been a source of illusions and delusions, because the plague of doping and corruption have caused the fall of many sport stars, showing a world where often the idea of  ​​”let’s win the best” had only in the fans mind while those directly involved, the athletes, knew that was not true, because someone was making up the game. Yesterday at this negative situation has been added a new and terrible episode concerning the killing  with pistol shots by Oscar Pistorius of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. He fired four shots thinking it was a thief who had entered the house. Where does this killer instinct come?  Because it is clear that a person does not shoot four bullets if  he does not want to kill and he did it at the first suspect, he shots to kill not to scare the alleged thief. Usually the cases of feminicides do not come unexpected or suddenly, but they are preceded by a series of behaviors that constitute so many signs of risk and therefore they can be analyzed and recognized for setting the mechanisms of prevention and protection. Pistorius was very jealous and there are stories about his abnormal behavior when drunk, but so far had not been considered so important that it can be considered as predictors of what happened. “It’s a sport that is decapitated by itself,” wrote Emanuela Audisio on “La Republica” newspaper. Pistorius is over but was the architect of his own destiny and he is spoiled with his hands, while Reeva Steenkamp has lost his life for nothing, because of a man who did not want to use his self-control.

Self-talk of the tennis player

Il dialogo con se stessi nel tennis è un,o dei fattori che possono fare vincere o perdere una partita. Infatti, è molto frequente vedere tennisti sconsolati anche solo avere perso qualche punto, sguardi increduli sul punto dove la pallina è andata fuori e parole e parole usate per trasormarsi nel killer di stessi. E’ un gioco punto su punto, in cui ambedue i contendenti sbagliano ma alla fine una commetterà un errore di troppo che lo porterà a uscire sconfitto. Ogni gioco è un duello da cui uno dei due esce leggermente ferito; per questo effetto chi subisce di più esce distrutto. Ci vuole quindi una grande tenacia e forza mentale per resistere alla tentazione di mollare, questo è il bello del tennis, una lotta corpo a corpo in cui si deve lottare.