Tag Archive for 'Ibrahimovic'

What do we learn from CR7 and Ibrahimovic?

The championship of the totems, writes today Maurizio Crosetti on Repubblica. They are CR7 and Ibrahimovic, respectively 36 and 39 years old, dragging Juventus and Milan despite their age.

They are not the only ones, Tom Brady is 43, LeBron James 36, Federer 39 to name but a few.

Why continue to talk about them, everything has already been said.

Yes, they are champions, but they have something to teach everyone, and that is besides their talent and winning mindset, they tell us that the secret of their long sporting life is in the continuous search for physical fitness, to take care of themselves at 360 degrees.

A question: How many non-sportspeople, i.e. the majority of the population, have ever stopped to reflect on the fact that personal well-being is largely based on physical fitness?

Why is Ibrahimovic so important?

There is a lot of talk in soccer about the importance of having players with a lot of experience who can lead the team. This is the case of Ibrahimovic in Milan and Vidal in Inter. Having a champion, even not younger, who can be the reference for the team in terms of accountability, presence on the field and leading with the example.

The relevance of this leadership role is also recognized by research. This approach suggests that some team roles are more important to team performance and whoever holds this central role has a greater influence on overall team performance.

This hypothesis was tested by Humphrey, Morgeson, and Mannor [2012] on data from a 29-year period covering 778 Major League Baseball teams. The results show that although high levels of experience and sport-specific skills are highly significant predictors of team performance, the relationships between these dimensions and team performance are significantly more impactful when these characteristics are possessed by players who play a central role.

Those on the team who most frequently encounter the most significant situations to overcome, have the most exposure to the tasks facing the team, and are most central to the team’s workflow fill this strategic role.

Ibrahimovic: the True Grit

What do you to say at this man. Ibrahimovic is the grit in person. He’s the True Grit, he’s the John Wayne of Milan. The young players have a chance to become adult players under his guidance.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrates after scoring the second goal in their away victory over Cagliari.

Ibrahimovic at Milan:will he lead the rebirth?

Zlatan Ibrahimovic will play for the next 6 months at AC Milan. There’s a lot of talk about the reasons of this choice on the part of the Club: “Is he too old (38 years)? “He was retired in Los Angeles, how will he fit into the Italian championship?”.

Only he can know if he will be the Savior of the homeland, taking the leadership to lead Milan on the pitch with his fighting attitude, playing the role of Chief in the locker room and in the match. It seems to me, that this is the challenge he would have accepted, choosing to come back and play in Milan. In this way we will have the chance to see if his famous statements continue to represent him or if they too will have aged:

“I don’t accept losing, I just don’t accept it. I learned it from life. For me, determination and aggressiveness, determination and concentration on one’s goals count. I have the mission to win”.

“I am the seventh strongest player in the world. Maybe in twelve years I’ll be the sixth.”

Anyway, good luck! And may it really be a positive life experience, because beyond all economic considerations, the matches show who you are and your personal ambitions.

Great Conte

Il video di Conte che parla ai giocatori della Juve è stato visto da migliaia di persone. Bene. Conte in sostanza afferma che bisogna lottare per raggiungere i propri sogni e che non bisogna regalare agli altri delle occasioni che potrebbero essere le nostre. Questo vale per ogni persona, giovane o adulta, e non solo per i campioni. Sacrificio, impegno e rispetto delle regole questo è ciò che ci viene chiesto in questo periodo ma che a badare bene dovrebbe valere sempre anche nei periodi delle vacche grasse. Quindi che lo lo guardino in tanti può servire a mettere dei semi nella loro testa, l’importante che non sia percepito come una semplice manifestazione di machismo maschile, un’eslosione di testosterone che alla prima difficoltà scompare e si ritorna a lamentarsi dell e ingiustizie. Un po’ come fa Ibrahimovic quando afferma “Non capisco il perchè del secondo rigore, ma ora capisco perchè Mourinho si arrabbia sempre al Camp Nou”. Sul rigore è legittimo sostenere le proprie opinioni, ma non si può giustificare la propria grigia prestazione accusando gli altri.

Le frustrazioni di Ibra

Ibrahimovic sa che deve imparare a trattenersi e che queste sue reazioni istintive sono sbagliate. Non è la prima volta che un fuoriclasse cade in questa trappola che lui stesso si è teso: la testata di Zidane è la madre di questi gesti inconsulti. La questione pone due domande. La prima riguarda l’atleta: come mai questi fuoriclasse, consapevoli del grande valore che rappresentano per la squadra e altrettanto consci di questo loro punto debole non agiscono per cambiare? Secondo: Come mai i loro club non si muovono per prevenire questi comportamenti? Ciò che è evidente è che le reazioni dei giocatori e del club sono sempre a posteriori, come se non fossero interessati o preparati ad agire diversamente. E’ inutile attribuire allo stress generato dalla pressione su questi giocatori la causa di questi comportamenti sbagliati e non passa tutto con una bella dormita. Bisogna imparare a restare sereni e corretti e forse lo psicologo potrebbe aiutare questi fuoriclasse a cambiare e il club a a sostenerli non solo a parole.