Tag Archive for 'Ginnastica ritmica'

Mind skills in gymnastic over 14

  • Routine: Total command of the routine, regardless of competitive environment and situation.
  • Recovery: Focus on recovery and regeneration strategies
  • Mental skills: Imagery, concentration, emotional control, positive self-talk and relaxation, self-regulation, adaptive perfectionism and self-confidence
  • Team: Team competitive events bring different pressures, and require development and management of team work skills
  • Media: Managing interviews and media events
  • Training: Managing distractions and interruptions in training, while maintaining peak performance over the long term
  • Coach: Takes a stronger role in decision-making, working in partnership with the coach
  • Ethics: relating to competition and social maturity
  • Life: Balance through outside interests and friends, education
(Source: Adapted from http://www.gymcan.org/uploads/gcg_ltad_en.pdf)

Campioni del mondo di ginnastica ritmica

Grandissimi complimenti alla squadra italiana di ginnastica ritmica che ha vinto il campionato del mondo per la terza volta consecutiva. Nello pagine di sport dominate da calcio e poco altro altro, questa notizia non ha trovato oggi alcuno spazio. E’ inutile anche indignarsi.