Tag Archive for 'Ferrari'

The first girl at Ferrari

The 16-year-old Dutch girl, Maya Weug, will move to Maranello and in 2021 will take part in all the activities of the academy, she is the first girl to enter Ferrari’s Driver Academy. “When you lower the visor of the helmet we are all equal, you can no longer see the difference between male and female…. Entering this academy is a great feeling. To be the first woman to get in here is historic, I’m happy to be able to prove that it’s possible to do it.”

Maya’s arrival at the same school attended by Mick, Schumi’s son, is a tangible sign of the Scuderia’s commitment to making motorsport increasingly inclusive. Marco Matassa, Director of the Ferrari Driver Academy: “We are very happy to welcome Maya to the Ferrari Driver Academy. We were impressed by her dedication and preparation both from an athletic point of view and in terms of her approach to competition”.

Maya Weug herself states, “I will remember this day forever! I am beside myself with joy at becoming the first Ferrari Driver Academy driver. Winning the final round of the FIA ‘Girls on Track – Rising Stars’ program makes me realize that I have done well in pursuing my dream all these years. I will give it my all.”

Risultato immagini per Maya Weug

Charles Leclerc: the mindset of a future champion

Charles Leclerc is a predestined to succeed not only for having deserved to debut in this season in Formula 1 and in the legendary Ferrari and not even for the compliments received from Lewis Hamilton. It is a predestined, for his exceptional race conduct, highlighting that his mindset is that one of the absolute level champions. At the beginning of the race, he was able to demonstrate that he had considerable self-control, reacting emotionally to the overtaking that caused him to go back into third position and immediately setting the reaction that led him from this position to the top of the race, surpassing his partner of team – because he went faster – and having also asked for the green light on the radio.

These actions highlight the high emotional control of a 21-year-old athlete, who did not let it go to his head in being the youngest Ferrari driver to get pole position but struggled with determination throughout the race. This is the example of what is called open mind, which requires removing from the mind what it has been done previously, the day before but also a few moments before, to put one’s physical and mental energy only in the realization of what should happen in the following moments, since in a few seconds you overtake or overtake yourself, you keep the pressure on the opponent, you say in practice “I’m here and I’m going to take you”. This is the killer instinct that as the legendary Rod Laver always remember means: “Never allow the opponent to think that it will be easy to compete with you”. Charles Leclerq has shown he has this quality.

The problem with his Ferrari in the final, deprived him of the victory he deserved, but here again Leclerc showed his ability to react quickly to an external disturbing factor, the mechanical one, and one internal to himself, which competitive reaction to have. He has been tough, he did not show signs of emotional discouragement or anger and reasoned in order to reach the third position, taking advantage of the entry of the safety car, allowing him two laps from the deadline of not being overcome thus losing the third position and without push too much because he would have run out of gas. These are behaviors, that watching the race from the sofa at home, may seem obvious but, for those who live the competition in the first person, are instead situations to be used with awareness and competence, that only a driver able to manage these external and internal factors will be able to lead. With this race, Charles Leclerc has joined in the wake of the champions of every sport, for his ability and propensity to use competitive stresses at his advantage, continuing in this way he will be able to reach them and discover the subtle pleasure one feels in being of absolute level.

Ferrari: the team victory

Skill, aggressiveness and sharing. It was the winning mix of Ferrari and Vettel.

The team – In the last months, it was calm and focused on enhancing their skills. Vettel said: “We focused on what we had to do from time to time without looking around … especially in the last couple of months we were calm and we worked”.

The driver – Vettel was aggressive towards Hamilton, pressed him and he surrendered. Emanuela Audisio wrote that he followed the advice he gave his defenders Nereo Rocco (former Milan manager): “follow him even in the bathroom.”

The team and the driver - throughout this time Vettel and the crew never stop to talk together, they shared ideas and this common attitude. Vettel said: “happiness in particular. In Maranello people were happy to work together. With each other. There were no shortcuts, you had to work so hard, think so much about what you did; and you can make  all this sacrifice only if you are driven by passion, desire”



There is a lot of excellence in the Italian sport

We speak constantly of Italian fashion, food, art, and there is less talk of the excellence in our sport. Italian newspapers, starting from sports one, are bent to the will of the football power which participates in killing other sports. Pages for the resurrected Francesco Totti, if he has to be called in the national team, and a few lines or at most a column for Vanessa Ferrari, who won the silver medal at the age of 23 at gymnastics world championships or Giovanni Pellielo who won for the fourth time the trap world championships at forty years old. They are just the latest examples of how the sports culture is not part of us but only in the days of the Olympics. While we should be concerned about the crazy football dominated  in many cities by violent fans.

The actions increasing the sense of belonging

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Non dare nulla per scontato

Nello sport l’errore è sempre in agguato. Frase scontata solo all’apparenza perchè altrimenti non ci stupiremmo quando le cose non vanno come avrebbero dovuto. L’Inter, è una squadra fortissima e vincente ma in questo momento non lo è più. La Ferrari: errore banale e perde il mondiale. La nazionale di pallavolo femminile ai mondiali non ha funzionato. Non si vuole analizzare le cause ma sottolineare che non è scontato ripetersi: “Abbiamo vinto e allora vinceremo un’altra volta.” E’ molto più probabile l’opposto: “Giacchè abbiamo vinto, non vinceremo”, perchè può essere che non si abbia più voglia di vincere o di continuare a fare gli stessi sacrifici. Perchè i giocatori sono stanchi e meno motivati o perchè la sicurezza di raggiungere il risultato fa affrontare le situazioni con più superficialità. La presunzione è il punto debole dei forti, perchè non si ha più voglia di fare tutte quelle cose che non piacciono ma che sono necessarie per vincere.