Tag Archive for 'famiglie'

The family costs of children’s sports

Since many years sports have been completely privatized f; it is now rare for young people to play spontaneously on their own in parks and gardens. Sports has become one of the household expenditure items. I am not aware of the costs of sports after the pandemic and whether they have increased/reduced. However, we have data from the immediately preceding years.

This table on a survey conducted in the U.S. shows that the most expensive sports are ice hockey (US$2,583 annually) , skiing US$2,249), field field hockey (US$2,125), gymnastics (US$1,580), lacrosse (US$1289) and tennis (US$1,170). It is striking that golf is between cycling and swimming. Not surprisingly, the cheapest sport is athletics. However, it is likely that costs vary from nation to nation. Also, this survey does not include horseback riding, a particularly expensive sport.

These data are relatively different from those in Italy.

The Federconsumatori National Observatory has monitored the costs of various courses (including swimming, tennis, basketball, soccer): the costs of sports activities for children (up to 14 years of age) as well as the cost of the kit and equipment needed to attend some sports activities (such as uniforms, sneakers, etc.) as shown in the table below. The limitation here again as in the U.S. survey is that it covers the years prior to the pandemic and gives no indication of what kind of adjustment led to the long-term closure of sports centers, or how much we suffered e.g. swimming pools compared to tennis clubs, which were the first to be able to restart.

To these costs must be added registration fees, which, depending on the sports center chosen, can range on average from 30 to 80 euros. “Definitely excessive costs that, in addition to weighing on Italians’ expenses, can push them toward not practicing sports activities, which are fundamental for the health and education of children,” – argues Emilio Viafora, President of Federconsumatori.

In fact, swimming courses, warmly recommended by all doctors, especially with regard to the growth and development of children and young people, have touched rather high costs, definitely excessive if one considers in the household the presence of several children. The cost of a swimming course turns out to be 720 euros annually, to which must be added 115 euros for equipment and about 55 euros for registration, for a total of 890 euros. Even more expensive is the choice to practice ballet, with a cost of 690 euros per year, to which 140 euros must be added for equipment, 110 euros for the end-of-year recital and about 55 euros for registration, for a total of 995 euros per year.

By contrast, the cheapest sport turns out to be basketball, which costs 508 euros annually, including 420 euros for the course, 83 euros for equipment and about 55 euros for registration. To meet these costs, several families are forced to take out loans from financial institutions, generally finding themselves having to repay the entire capital required in 12 months.










Sport is a right for all

E’ veramente sconcertante assistere alle polemiche nate dalla dichiarazione di Roberto Mancini, ct della nazionale di calcio, per avere affermato che bisogna pensare prima di parlare e che lo sport è un diritto come la scuola e il lavoro. Aggiungerei anche che bisogna conoscere prima di parlare.

Bisogna sapere ad esempio che la sedentarietà è la quarta causa di morte e che secondo quanto documentato dalla rivista Lancet, nel nostro Paese i costi diretti di questa inattività motoria sono 906.680.000 milioni di dollari (di cui 707.210.000 a carico del sistema sanitario, 32.267.000 dei privati e 163.202.000 sostenuti dalle famiglie) mentre quelli indiretti sono 498.021.000.  Sono cifre enormi che dovrebbero obbligare la politica italiana a valutare appieno il valore dello sport. Chi ne ha la diretta responsabilità deve essere pienamente consapevole che la mancanza di attività fisica e di sport è ancora oggi un problema misconosciuto, altrettanto grave come lo sono le malattie cardiovascolari, il diabete, il cancro al seno e al colon e richiede un’azione globale a breve e a lungo termine, se non per amore di una buona salute dei cittadini almeno per ragioni di buona economia.

Va aggiunto che lo sport non è una questione collegata alla richiesta di pochi che vogliono svagarsi e a cui è stato sottratto un gioco ma rappresenta il modo per mantenere uno stile di vita fisicamente attivo e sviluppare il benessere individuale e della comunità.

A questo riguardo la sua centralità è stata ribadita da un Memorandum d’intesa firmato a maggio tra il Comitato olimpico internazionale (CIO) e l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS), incentrato sulla promozione e la difesa della salute attraverso lo sport e l’attività fisica durante questo periodo.

Inoltre, se volgiamo la nostra attenzione ai giovani in età scolare e a quelli con disabilità è evidente che l’accesso allo sport non deve diventare un ulteriore modo per discriminare alcuni rispetto ad altri. Così come lo è già stato lo scorso anno scolastico per molti studenti, e le loro famiglie, la difficoltà di accesso a internet e il non possedere almeno un computer per seguire le lezioni da casa.

In Italy, no square for physical activity at school

I read the rules for opening schools in Italy.

Physical activity has disappeared and gyms will become classrooms.

Dysfunctional conception of young people’s development is highlighted.

Obesity and sedentarily will increase: the parents’ weight status, their level of education and family income are associated with the Child’s Body Mass Index. So those who are more disadvantaged will be even more!

Soccer school for children with intellectual disabilities

The project Calcio Insieme, promoted by Roma Cares Foundation in collaboration with the sport association Accademia di Calcio Integrato, has the aim to promote the motor and the football teaching in young people between 6 and 12 years with intellectual disabilities in order to improve the  quality of their lives through the ongoing practice of sport, to teach a model of football adequate for them and to build a community in which school, families, sports organization and staff can be feel part of a common project centered on children with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the project is to create the conditions to promote the empowerment of everyone regardless of their starting skills, as it has been defined by the nternational Paralympic Committee.
Currently participating in the program 30 children, including 3 girls, 10 football  instructors, 4 sports psychologists, 1 speech therapist, 1 sport physician, in addition to: technical director, responsible for relations with schools and families, scientific director, journalist , project manager and administration. At the end of this first year we will be published the results achieved regarding the motor aspects, football learning and psychosocial children.