Tag Archive for 'educare'

Educate the youth to the daily life

The main task that should absolve the parents  is to educate their children in the sense of reality. I say this because among young athletes is not well developed, and often these young have totally unrealistic expectations, because they are not based on what they are to do but on what they want to achieve. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is already present in boys and girls 11/12 years. On the tennis courts are seen kids slamming their racket to the ground or kicking, swearing against themselves or get depressed after having made ​​a mistake. In every sport you see parents that when their sons make mistakes, they give some advice to remove even that small anxiety that comes after an error. I’s an educational anxiety that drives to find the solution by themselves but instead it was not taken them this opportunity to learn from mistakes. The parents in this way prevent young to grow, to understand they value as athletes and to react autonomously to the difficulties. How many parents calmly say: “you were wrong, it’s fine, work to improve, keep trying and do your best, everything else does not matter.” You do not win a race because you wants to win. The winning mentality is to those who strive to do their best despite the mistakes that surely will commit during the race. Young need to be educated to engage and appreciate themselves for what they do and not for the results they achieve. The parents, in turn, must accept that their children make errors because only in this way the kids will learn to appreciate their improvements and the effort they did.

Educare in mezzo alla natura

Il tema dello sviluppo del bambino attraverso la vita all’aria aperta, la conoscenza della natura e di come viverla è trattato nel nuovo libro “A piedi nudi nel parco” di Anna Oliverio Ferraris e Albertina Oliverio. Fa piacere che anche il mondo accademico ponga questo tema al centro dell’attenzione e che non sia demandato solo a chi si occupa di psicologia dello sport. Se si riuscisse a creare anche da noi un movimento di opinione a favore del recupero della intelligenza motoria e del suo sviluppo non solo attraverso lo sport ma grazie a un più frequente contatto con la natura, si potrebbe orientare la politica delle organizzazioni sportive di ogni tipo (dalle federazioni sportive a quelle dello sport per tutti) a valorizzare e fare praticare questo tipo di esperienza. Anche per i genitori dei bambini una vita più all’aria aperta sarebbe certamente un valore positivo da aggiungere alla loro esistenza. Oltretutto lo stare su un prato è ancora gratuito.