Tag Archive for 'cultura'

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The young have to learning how to learn

This is the thought of Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy concerning the role of the knowledge:

“The challenge we face is not only to provide younger energies to our teachers but especially as to attribute to the many teachers who daily have to cope with limitations and difficulties imposed by tradition, school programs, budgetary constraints, new goals: that is to say, to teach their students “learning how to learn”, to convince them of the importance of ongoing training throughout their lives, working or not, to become permanent researchers, regardless of their occupation contingent “(from Investing in Knowledge, 2014, p. 141).

This is one of the main actions to be put in place to cope with the challenges of the new century.

The origine of the sport ignorance

We analyze together some data that we have on the reading frequency in Italy, the mental development of children, and try to understand if it could affect their eventual sporting career.


  • In Italy in 2012, over 26 million people from 6 years and more have read at least one book, for reasons that are not strictly educational or professional. Compared to 2011, the share of book readers remains stable (46%).
  • Women read more than men: in the year one book has been read by 51.9% of the female population compared to 39.7% of men. The difference in behavior between the sexes begins to manifest itself as early as the 11 years and tends to decrease after 75.
  • Having parents who read encourage to read: 77.4% of boys aged 6 to 14 years with both parents readers, compared with 39.7% of those whose parents do not read.
  • In Italy, even those who read, read little: 46% of readers read more than three books in 12 months, while the “strong readers”, with 12 or more books read at the same time, are only 14, 5% of the total.
  • One family of ten (10.2%) do not have any books at home, 63.6% have a maximum of 100.


  • The Nobel Prize for Economics James Heckman has shown that children of unemployed in kindergarten possessed a vocabulary of 500 words, those of parents of low-skilled 700 words, while the sons of the graduates came to 1100 words. Unfortunately these differences persist even in later allowing to predict well in advance the career, income, family stability and health condition. Therefore it need educational investments such as to develop the cognitive and social skills in children from 0 to 5 years, and also in later life.
  • Novak Diokovic  wrote in his book: “Jelena made me listen to classical music and read poetry to calm down and learn to concentrate (Pushkin was his favorite poet). My parents, however, spurred me to learn languages, so I learned the ‘English, German and Italian. the tennis lessons and life lessons were one, and every day I could not wait to take the field with Jelena and learn more and more on sports, on myself and on world. “(p.5)

It is not hard to understand from these data and evidences what it should be done to educate young people and that sport would benefit from an education centered on the development of reading. I am convinced that the absence of sport culture found in many countries derives precisely from this kind of ignorance and of which many young people are paying for, ruining their lives well before adulthood.

Wanted talents? No, it’s the wrong country

While the world’s major companies leading among them for years a war to have inside the best talents and into Google are dozens thepages by selecting “talent war”,  we live in a nation where those two words evoke little interest.  It’s what showed from a study conducted by Bruno Pellegrino, University of California, and Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago, according to which the Italian entrepreneurs, thankfully not all, prefer to have “yes manager” as collaborators, ready at any moment to please them in their choices at the expense of independent and competent men and women. It confirms the reluctance of the Italian business to the performance culture, combining the ability to take risks and innovate with the need to keep a profit budget and in its place spreads the anti-ethic familism, which selects individuals for co-optation. In this way  it’s left the road allowing the pursuit of success as the highest expression of quality business and it will start that one where favoritisms and patronages become the dominant factors of success. The Italian world of professional football once again is the mirror of this country and of this type of entrepreneurship: many low level foreigner players and a few young Italian talents. In fact, in most of the teams there are few Italian players and only this year have been introduced 84 new players, which further restrict the access to our young talents. The damage that it has been created is very serious. Hindered by the fact the young Italian to play, it spreads the idea that it’s useless to have youth activities, the best players will not find clubs willing to have them in the team, therefore they are obliged to go abroad as is the case of Immobile, Cerci and Verratti. Finally, the clubs spend money unnecessarily for foreign players who are not of value and the teams lose more value because they cannot count on players who want to win and tenacious. There are not explanations allowing to understand this phenome  so destructive for the clubs. Certainly the professionalism of the football managers  is defeated by this approach and the fact that this practice is so widespread evidently not worried indeed it emerges strengthened. Of course there are Italian companies and teams that are based on the culture of performance. Let’s follow them because they are an important piece of the solution of our problems.

(read it on http://www.huffingtonpost.it/../../alberto-cei/)

Doping or commitment

I often wonder who has the sense to keep talking about excellence in sport when continually discover how doping has got into this world and how the ethics in many athletes confuse with the code of silence. The ethics in these cases is to protect another athlete who dopa, according to a pathological definition of morality, according to which you must protect your environment regardless of the actions are illegal and immoral. The main reason given to justify this approach to doping consists in thinking that it’s not possible to excel without this help. Taking this point of view, those who oppose, condemning this kind of sports culture, he is considered a moralist who wants to impose  anachronistic rules, since all dope. Domina Embé philosophy: “Have you seen that that athlete took doping”, “Embé that will never be, so they do it all, if you want to win there is no alternative.” This philosophy is characterized by two main ideas: “So much the worse, the better” and “They’re all thieves.” When this view is widespread among adults, many have begun to take drugs to participate in Master events; there are cases in which parents have asked the doctor a “little help” for their son, increasingly gyms have become places of sales of illegal products and there are doctors and physiotherapists who have undertaken this type of advice to increase their earnings. It’s instead starting from the wide distribution of this bleak conception of sports culture that we must respond and continue to talk about excellence. Regards the absolute level of sports performance, depending only on the commitment and dedication of the athlete, prepared by teachers and programs as value. We must not give in to the philosophy dell’Embè because this devastates our young people and their teachers. The doping in sport and any illegal action must be fought by spreading the culture of commitment and the right to dream that it is possible to achieve any result. We have to legally pursue who uses doping but at the same time we need to change this culture of sport deadly. Children and young people are our future and they have to learn that they can have success thanks to their efforts. We must do more and better because the coaches are not only professionally competent but totally involved in a  work ethic vision of their work.

Reached 1.000 blogs

I’ve reached the number of 1.000 blogs, beautiful experience because writing forced me to think in a synthetic way with the aim of elaborating comments and ideas are not trivial and not based simply on common sense. Sport in all its forms, from easy walking to the top level is a serious matter and requires that all participants develop, through their practice, an adequate sports culture founded on two basic ideas:

  1. movement is life and
  2. improve is legitimate but at the same time we have to know how to accept our limits as they are.

If we learn to practice the sport with this attitude it will be easier to accept the difficulties and failures that are part of it. We also need to become aware that sport should promote personal well-being and not being practiced at its expense (doping and culture of the “only who wins has the value”).

There is a lot of excellence in the Italian sport

We speak constantly of Italian fashion, food, art, and there is less talk of the excellence in our sport. Italian newspapers, starting from sports one, are bent to the will of the football power which participates in killing other sports. Pages for the resurrected Francesco Totti, if he has to be called in the national team, and a few lines or at most a column for Vanessa Ferrari, who won the silver medal at the age of 23 at gymnastics world championships or Giovanni Pellielo who won for the fourth time the trap world championships at forty years old. They are just the latest examples of how the sports culture is not part of us but only in the days of the Olympics. While we should be concerned about the crazy football dominated  in many cities by violent fans.

The desire to succeed.

The book by Adharanand Finn “Running with the Kenyans” shows that the dominant feature in order to become an athlete in Kenya is: the desire to succeed. It’s this idea that acts as a locomotive for all the others. This idea should make us think as too often we as parents, teachers or coaches think that it is not the result of a culture where the young grow but almost a gift that it has touched someone. While attribute it at the culture in which we live, it means to know the answer to the drop-out of young people from the sport but also from the school.

It is not just a personal matter of every boy and girl, it depends on how it’s organized our social environment. If in Kenya there is a culture of race rooted and pervasive, how do we develop a culture of sport in Italy, but also to study so significant? What are the models to emulate that send to young people? Because if we do not act to answer these questions, we will never integrate with the need for commitment and dedication with an abundance offer of schooling and sports.

Have the opportunity to choose between multiple paths is to be welcomed but it becomes useless if it is not combined with the desire to succeed. In case of failure is jumping from one school to another, who can pay a diploma in a private school or leave school altogether. But if the kids do not know or choose not undertake, the responsibility is of the school and the parents who are not good teachers.

La cultura è un peso inutile

L’Italia ad personam esiste nello sport anche in positivo. Vuole dire che determinate attività, ricerche, iniziative vengono intraprese solo perchè vi sono persone che vogliono perseguirle, perchè sono dirigenti appassionati e competenti. E’ altrettanto vero che quando si stufassero ciò che hanno fatto non esisterà più. E’ il caso, ad esempio, di Mario Gulinelli l’animatore instancabile della più prestigiosa rivista italiana di scienze dello sport, SdS – Rivista di cultura Sportiva del Coni, che svolge questo lavoro editoriale da più di 30 anni, quando si ritirerà da questo impegno non vi è nessuno che è stato preparato a ricoprire lo stesso ruolo. Un classico esempio italiano: tolta la persona, persa la funzione. Già, forse la cultura non interessa. Non è possibile fare una pianificazione di persone da affiancare perchè imparino, mica a tradurre dal tedesco, ma piuttosto la filosofia, la ricerca delle innovazioni non per forza di lingua inglese, l’originalità del pensiero? La cultura sportiva forse non deve esistere, meglio spendere dei soldi per il doping o al massimo del positivo per i laboratori antidoping.