Tag Archive for 'champions'

10 success rules by Bob Rotella

The things a golf player must do in a competitive round:

  1. Play to play great. Don’t play not to play poorly.
  2. Love the challenge of the day, whatever it may be.
  3. Get out of results and get into process.
  4. Know that nothing will bother or upset you in the golf course, and you will be in great state mind for every shot.
  5. Playing with a feeling that the outcome doesn’t matter is always preferable to caring too much.
  6. Believe fully in yourself so you can play freely.
  7. See where you want the ball to go before every shot.
  8. Be decisive, committed and clear.
  9. Be your own best friend.
  10. Love your wedge and your putter.
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Bayern had the wrong mental approach to the game

It’s necessary to start from the statistics very positive of Bayern against Atletico Madrid: 33 shots to 7, 72% to 28% ball possession, 23 cross at 2. Just reading them makes clear the performance of the Allianz Arena match. Bayern at times uncontrollable, with infernal pace, constant pressure and beautiful overlays on the players. Cross, insertions, shots from outside by two bombers as Alaba and Vidal. If not for 90 minutes, at least 75. Still Atletico remained in the game, suffering enormously and hitting at the first good opportunity.
In the two semi-finals Bayern has shot 52 times but scored only two goals. From the mental point of view the Bayern competitive fury was an obstacle to the completion of his actions, which is to make goal to the opponents. This occurs when a team is a prisoner of the beauty of its game, which turns more into an aesthetic action than in one centered on getting a particular advantage by goals scored. It means that the players have failed in determination and perseverance in reaching the aim to be qualified for the final. Certainly it’s nice to enjoy the public and produce a beautiful game but they have to win the matches that are decisive. This was the attitude on the field and the team was wrong.

Juventus: from the abyss to success

Juventus had expected the test to be who it said it was and not a scary team in Europe. Juventus has due to arrive on the edge of the abyss to know its value. Juventus in this match has been fighting continuously. Now he must learn to think better as a team. After going ahead, it was expected that the Greeks would attack to get the equalizer and, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened after just two minutes. Be calm would allow him to predict the reaction of the opponent and get ready to fight it. In fact until the second goal Olympiacos Juventus played and it went on and on but in a confused way. Then the incredible happened, Juventus has changed his fate because the fighting has combined the strength and the conviction that it was possible to win. And that has made ​​all the difference compared to the first half. The next time it might find this state of mind before being at one step from the abyss, because the other teams do not always allow this type of recovery. A big step forward, but the European mentality does not exist yet.

La mentalità persa del calcio italiano

Le sconfitte in Champions sono, dopo i mondiali, l’ulteriore dimostrazione di come alle squadre italiane manchi la mentalità per affrontare squadre che invece giocano per vincere. Il calcio non è solo questione di quanti talenti si dispone in squadra ma deve essere espressione del volere esprimersi al massimo delle proprie capacità fisiche, tecniche e soprattutto mentali. Perchè senza la testa non si va da nessuna parte, è la mente preparata all’impegno agonistico che esalta le capacità della squadra. La mente è la chiave che apre la porta in cui è custodita la competenza, e senza questa chiave l’abilità resta prigioniera di altri fattori che le impediscono di manifestarsi. Questi altri fattori che la ostacolano possono essere rappresentati di volta in volta dall’uso della forza fisica come motore primario o dalla presunzione di essere i più forti o dal pensare che bastano i proclami prepartita per averla vinta. Se l’Inter si qualificherà per il turno successivo non farà altro che confermare questo dato italiano: per vincere serve una squadra formata solo da calciatori e allenatore stranieri.