Tag Archive for 'attvità fisica'

Italy is not a country for sport youngs

In Italy the 2012 year ended with the politic  that in  its programs did not talk about phisical activity and sport world who complains about this absence, without doing anything else. It’s a bad news for all of us who believe that having a physically active lifestyle is not only a hobby but a basic right for our well-being. Perhaps the worker problems come first, but are we sure to have the highest percentage of overweight children in Europe is a great record? They eat bad, do not exercise and stay too sitting at school and home. In the U.S. this problem has caused a campiagn by Michelle Obama, not just an ordinary person and it is starting to show positive results, as in the cities overweight is regressing. Italy is the country with the lowest number of hours of physical activity at school and there is no initiative to increase it. Must be three coaches of the national volleyball, rugby and cycling teams to talk about this Italian plague  but their statements did not rise reactions. The future of young people  it is also created thinking to children and adolescents who leave not only sports but also any form of physical activity since the secondary school and they will rarely come back. We cut our children’s legs from the beginning of their lives and that’s why we are not a country for young people.

(From  http://www.huffingtonpost.it/../../alberto-cei/lo-sport-e-assente-dallag_b_2381927.html)


Il tempo minimo di attività fisica

Il numero di Lancet del 1 Ottobre (vol. 378) comprende un articolo dedicato al tempo minimo di attività fisica necessario per ridurre la mortalità e estendere l’aspettativa di vita.