Tag Archive for 'arianna huffington'

We need to reduce our daily stress

Arianna Huffington wrote on Republica.it of today emphasizing the need to reduce daily stress derived from the work as the need to improve the quality of life and maintain a health condition. At this regard, it is worth remembering what are the attitudes and behaviors that put at risk the people health and welfare:

  1. excessive competitiveness,
  2. accentuation of key words in everyday language, without it needs for this and tend to eat the last words of a sentence,
  3.  concern not to respect the terms of work delivery,
  4.  intolerance towards others and delay,
  5. eager to receive reinforcements from others and tangible rewards,
  6. constant state of physical and psychological alert  that may lead to aggressive behavior,
  7. be usually impatient with people and situations,
  8. sufficiently attuned to the identification of specific targets, because more action-oriented ,
  9. feeling of guilt while relaxing or resting,
  10. overly critical toward themselves and others.

They are individuals who usually live their life always with the foot on the accelerator and they do not ever hold back. Although with a lot of energy, always in a hurry, go to the floor and never stop. This is their problem: consider every opportunity to slow down as a waste of time, since they have always focused on the next obstacle. The acceleration of the communication that we are living thanks to the diffusion of the mobile phone, e-mail and social networks, it made them even more prisoners of thisway of life.
Specifically, what are the aspects that most disrupt their health? The ambition, impatience or hostility? Longitudinal studies have found that individuals with high hostility scores, after 20 years from this evaluation had a higher frequency of deaths due to cardiovascular problems than those who had received low scores of hostility.
In addition, it is the association between hostility and cynicism that seems to produce such negative effects on personal wellbeing. The cynicism is explained in terms of mistrust in human nature, in ideals and social conventions.
In confirmation of this interpretation it has been shown that it is possible to work in a highly stressful environment, showing behaviors such as those described but maintaing a good health. This positive condition can be achieved if the  people:

  1. are committed not only to work but also to themselves, family and other values ​, thus avoiding falling into cynical attitudes,
  2. believe to exert control over their professional and private life,
  3. have a tendency to consider the changes in life as a challenge to manage, and not just as problems and concerns.

We need a new definition of success

We need a definition of success more humane and sustainable. Since too many years we are living  in a society where every day we see the disastrous effects of the idea that the only thing that matters is winning. The big financial frauds and diffusion of doping in sports are here to show the pervasiveness of this mentality.
Only in these days we have the confession of a former cyclist Jan Ulrich, to be doped, the explosion of new details on the case of Schwazer and the mass protests in Brazil against the policy of the government that employs too many resources for the football World Cup  and the Olympics.

They are huge issues that dominate the nations themselves but we need answers otherwise, it is not far-fetched to imagine that in a few years there will be the Olympics of doped and who fraud, in any field, will not think of making a mistake because he will be exonerate as well as Ulrich said: “I think there’s a fraud when one takes advantage unduly. I wanted to promote equal opportunities.”

The leaders always knew that they have to speak the language of emotions, and sometimes they did eliciting the most negatives and brutals. So we have to know how to support the emotions that elicit positive reactions in ourselves and in our community. In the direction to reach a new definition of success – beyond the money and the power – Arianna Huffington organized a talk about this theme, Third Metrics Conference

One of the ideas discussed was this: people want to engage in something with all your heart in order to find a meaning (Ryumon Gutierrez Baldoquin). It is not just a philosophical idea but is the basis of motivation, so each of us wants to improve thanks to its commitment. The problem is that the idea of ​​success at all costs is destroying this basic concept, it’s time to fight it, otherwise we will have a future that is increasingly doped.

We cannot live a life with fear of failure, there is no motivation supporting this lifestyle for a long time, the result is only an increase in stress and discomfort to live. We must learn to think and speak in terms of us and not of me and them. We have to leave the logic I win and you lose, if we we will think in term of us we will leave the logic of the winner, because we have pursued the interest of the community. So let us strive to put into practice the tenets that will make us get out of this negative success vision for our community, redefining it in terms of well-being, wisdom, return, empathy and ability to amaze us.
