Tag Archive for 'adolescenti'

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Mindfulness enhances adolescents’ memory

A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Working Memory Capacity in Adolescents

Quach, D., Jastrowski Mano, K.E., and Alexander, K,     J. Adolesc Health 2015

This is the first study to provide support for the benefits of short-term mindfulness practice, specifically mindfulness meditation, in improving work memory capacity. The study has involved 198 adolescents recruited from a large public middle school in southwest United States and randomly assigned to mindfulness meditation, hatha yoga, or a waitlist control condition. Results highlight the importance of investigating the components of mindfulness-based interventions among adolescents given that such interventions may improve cognitive function.



Do you coach yourself to compete?

When the young athletes have acquired the technical skills required by the sport they enjoy and have become skilled in the execution of specific sport actions, it becomes important to train them to compete. These are the goals of the coaching that takes place from 16 years for most of the sports and that will lead some to become world-class athletes. One should not confuse the acquired skill with the ability to provide an adequate performance at their own level. Indeed, it’s not difficult to meet young teenagers capable, good from a technical standpoint but not ready to compete. For this reason a part of the training, that with the increase of age will become more significant and wide should be dedicated to achieve the purpose of teaching the athlete to give their best in terms of comparison with other athletes. The coaches should not be afraid to acknowledge that this is an essential goal of their work and the practice must be oriented in this direction. This type of training is intended to teach the athletes to maintain the quality of their performance under the competitive pressure.

Sport: reward or punishment?

The school is started and many parents worried about school performances often cut sport. Football is one of them. Workouts jumping and sport abandoned if the scool results are bad. Physical activity is considered a premium and therefore is used as punishment.

The latin sentence “Mens sana in corpore sano” contains a deep truth that becomes even more realistic if associated with childhood and adolescence. Accustom your child to an adequate management of the school and the sport times is the winning educational strategy that focuses on the sense of responsibility, stimulating the organizational skills of the young. The desire to be on time for the training stimulates to organize, to pull out the management skills. It’s important for parents to learn how to use the wishes of children and young people as a stimulus and not as a source of punishment, this in order to achieve stable results not associated with the  punitive moment.
The World Health Organization too in the “Global Recommendations on Physical Activity” defines for each age group the quantity of physical activity recommended. Between 5 and 17 years is recommended that: “at least 60 minutes a day of moderate-to-vigorous activity, including at least 3 times a week strength exercises that may consist of movement games or sports activities.”
This interest in physical activity during childhood and adolescence confirms the importance of sport for the physical and psychological growth of the new generations. The first step is to stop to consider sport as a whim of the children, to be used as a reward or punishment, but a key aspect to be integrated in the educational development of the young.

(by Daniela Sepio)

Teenager on field: a challenge for the coach

When coaches train adolescent athletes t they need to use their interpersonal skills efficiently. The communication style more frequently adopted is to “be a friend.” In fact, even when the boys and girls grow up, the true challenge for the coaches is to maintain their role. The coach-friend does not help,the coaches need to apply some rules, useful also for parents, which allow them to have an open communication with the teenagers:

  • Stimulate active participation to facilitate the processes of attention and memory: give examples
  • Understanding the needs of the listeners. The motivation to listen is essential: which messages are more interesting for them
  • Search for the adolescent feedback. There can be no communication without information exchange: the feedback is, therefore, an essential step in this process
  • Create togetherness
  • Follow their own pace. They are used to deal with messages having these characteristics: speed, motion, color, sound, interactivity. Coach messages need to have some of these features otherwise attention and the motivation to listen will decrease
  • Use their jargon
  • Use different channels to communicate (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
  • To be concrete without to overload  of information

At the same time there are attitudes that, in contrast, are able to stop any possibility of communication with the adolescents:

  • The excess of information
  • Giving feedback and negative feedback without pointing the way for change
  • Have an attitude of superiority: “I’m older and I know how things are going”
  • Maintain a physical and psychological distance
  • Have a manipulating and controlling leadership style

Communicating with young people is really a challenge. Often we remain displaced in front of their questions or their silences. They have the ability to move a lot of deep feelings that we must recognized and processed in order to continue to improve in our own role as a coach.

(by Daniela Sepio)

Motivation to outdoor activities

Youth outdoor participants see outdoor activities as a way to spend time with family and friends. While adolescents are also motivated by enjoying time with loved ones, slightly more participants in this age group cite exercise as their top motivator for outdoor  participation. Young adults are also motivated by exercise and much less motivated by family and friends.

What motivates you to participate in outdoor activities?

Age 6-12 13-17 18-24
Be with family/friends 77% 69% 49%
Get exercise 66% 72% 74%
Experience excitement/adventure 54% 46% 52%
Develop my skills/abilities 51% 51% 43%
It is cool 45% 31% 18%
Be with people who enjoy the same things  41% 45% 25%
Keep physically fit 36% 55% 59%
Be close to nature 32% 30% 44%
Develop a sense of self-confidence 26% 31% 33%
Enjoy the sounds/smells of nature 26% 27% 39%
Observe the scenic beauty 22% 26% 43%
Gain a sense of accomplishment 22% 31% 39%
Get away from the usual demands 18% 34% 49%
Be with people who share my value 14% 22% 17%
Talk to new/varied people 12% 13% 11%
Experience solitude 5% 11% 26%


Coaching adolescents

Jacques Commeres is the assistant coach of the French basketball team and introduces the theme of the training of adolescents all’INSEP Congress held in Paris. According to the coach, basketball is a sport that requires discipline and creativity. He said that young people today are different from those he has known since he began his career. For him the impatience of youth and their need to stay connected can be a problem as to develop and validate what you have learned during the training sessions because it needs certain time after the workout. Personally, I think the young people of the ’80s were more rebels than those of today and permissive education was already very popular among parents. I agree on the problem that the technological revolution that has invested them reduces their ability to pay attention for long periods of time. The adolescents need to be trained in school as in sports to tackle the tasks with a commitment to remain constant over time and motivated in performing those repetitive tasks that are present in any business.

Under15 mental coaching

Mi si è presentata l’opportunità di allenare mentalmente alcuni giovani under15 ed è molto interessante perché i ragazzi sono motivati migliorare nel loro sport. alla base del lavoro che abbiamo fatto insieme vi sono stati degli esercizi sul campo per capire qual è la differenza tra essere poco, abbastanza o molto concentrati su quello che si sta facendo. Ad esempio se si devono correre 30 metri alla massima velocità di cui si è capaci. Si può mettere i ragazzi su una linea e dargli il pronti.via, questa è una condizione in cui non si fornisce importanza alla concentrazione. Si può invece dire, “Ragazzi, sulla linea di partenza, concentratevi sui primi passi che farete e spingete più veloce che potete”, probabilmente in questo modo si alza la soglia attentiva a un livello almeno sufficiente. Se però si chiede di essere veramente concentrati si dirà ai ragazzi di immaginarsi la loro corsa, di sentire soprattutto la spinta del piede e di guardare solo davanti a sé, poi si farà praticare per qualche istante queste immagini mentali e subito dopo si darà il pronti-via. Ecco un esempio concreto di come allenare l’attenzione, e possono adattati a qualsiasi sport. L’importante co i ragazzi così giovani è di fargli vivere delle esperienze pratiche in cui si evidenzi che l’attenzione, così come altre abilità mentali possono essere allenate direttamente sul campo.

Will I be an athlete or a student?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Da grande vuoi fare l’atleta?

Mi sto rendendo sempre più conto che i ragazzi di 19/20 anni che sono atleti spesso non sono consapevoli di cosa comporti intraprendere questa carriera e soprattutto se quanto fanno è sufficiente per verificare se ne posseggono le caratteristiche. Ad esempio, un adolescente che si allena 15 ore alla settimana in un determinato sport individuale può aspirare con questo tipo d’impegno a diventare un giovane di livello internazionale? L’ho chiesto a molti ma in generale la risposta è: “Non so, io faccio quello che mi dice l’allenatore.” Con una carriera che se va bene dura 10 anni, come si fa a non sapere se ciò che faccio oggi è sufficiente (oltrechè valido) per raggiungere ciò che voglio? Altra domanda: “Hai 20 anni che vuoi fare? Vuoi continuare in questo modo che probabilmente ti permetterà di gareggiare a livello assoluto in Italia? O vuoi qualcosa di più?” La risposta il più delle volte è il silenzio. E allora: perchè gli allenatori non spiegano che con quel tipo d’impegno e di ore di allenamento si può raggiungere questo livello e invece, con un altro allenamento e più ore si può aspirare a un livello di prestazione superiore. Secondo me, non lo fanno semplicemente perchè non ci pensano e non per scelta o forse perchè temono di perdere quei pochi atleti che hanno. Quale che sia la ragione è comunque un peccato che si faccia così poco per rendere i nostri giovani più consapevoli di cosa comporti intraprendere la carriera di atleta. Anzichè ripetere il ritornello che sono pigri, perchè non cominciamo a pensare che forse si annoiano perchè non hanno davanti a loro sfide motivanti.