The problems of young athletes

These days I have written relatively less than usual because I have been asking myself questions that I have had difficulty answering.

They are these, and they affect boys and girls indistinctly:

  • In tennis, many people like to shoot strong, which might even be fine if the ball most of the time fell on the court, in reality the opposite happens. Why is it so difficult to get this idea out of their heads?
  • Toni Nadal said that an important difference between Rafa and today’s young people is that Rafa when he improved maintained that level without going back, while today this does not happen: you improve, you play a few matches well and then you go back. I experience the same situation myself. How come?
  • Why is it that many athletes having reached an important world ranking become afraid of the effort they have to make to improve it and almost prefer to go backwards in ranking?
  • What drives an athlete in opposition sports (tennis, table tennis, fencing), in which one has to go through multiple rounds of competition to at least make it to the semifinals or finals to settle for an inferior result and stop playing their best?
  • Why do some athletes explain a defeat by saying that the opponent was stronger? As if being strong was an absolute category that leaves no chance?
  • And never mind those who attribute their failures to technical problems; if that were true why do they play or compete instead of quitting and waiting to improve technique?

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