Nadal mindset

Nadal Mindset 

1 “Losing is not my enemy, fear of losing is my enemy” .

2. “Success is not winning, but everything you have fought for.”

3. “I admire the mindset in sports more than the physical aspect because physical performance is much easier to practice than mental.”

4. “Things don’t change on their own, you have to make them change.”

5. “When you want something with enough intensity, no sacrifice is too great.”

6. “You work mentally when you go out on the court every day and don’t complain. When you play badly you have problems or suffer…. You put on the right attitude, the right face and don’t feel negative despite problems that are happening to you.”

7. “Family is very important, they make me feel good every day, because if I won, when I started to become famous, the relationship with my friends and family did not change.”

8. “Sustaining means accepting. Accept things as they are and not as you would like them to be, and then look forward, not backward.”

9. “There are times when things are going well and others when things are not so good. Defeat and victory are part of our lives. We live with them on a daily basis, and we have to accept both equally.”

10. “Realizing what you have dreamed of makes you happy, but more importantly it makes you happy to remember the effort.

(From Lluis Crespo Casado)

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