7 basic principles on participation in sport for youth

It is now scientifically documented that early initiation into a particular discipline has limiting effects on the development of boys and girls. A document from the world organization of sport psychologists, the International Society of Sport Psychology, outlines the 7 basic principles on participation in sport leading to continued practice and elite sport.

  1. Initial sport diversification does not prevent participation in elite sport in sports where excellence is achieved after maturation.
  2. Initial diversification of sports is related to a longer sports career and has a positive influence on long-term sports involvement.
  3. Initial diversification of sports allows participation in different contexts that more favorably influence positive youth development.
  4. In these years a high amount of play time builds a strong foundation for intrinsic motivation, this is through involvement in activities that are enjoyable and promote self-regulation.
  5. In these years, a high amount of play time results in the acquisition of a wealth of motor and cognitive experiences that children will take with them into the sport of their primary interest.
  6. At age 13, children should have the choice to specialize in their favorite sport or to continue in sport at the recreational level.
  7. By late adolescence (about age 16), they should have developed the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and motor skills necessary to invest their efforts in the highly specialized training of a sport.

Starting from these data, the Federations and the Sport Societies should take note that their way of understanding the juvenile sport activity must be totally revised. In fact, young people up to the age of 13 should practice several different sports and only after this period should they choose one. As the International Society of Sport Psychology points out, the benefits of this approach would be for everyone, both those who want to move towards a competitive career and those who choose to continue with a recreational sport.

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