Non only success stories

Sport is not only the telling of great personal and team success stories.

There are also stories of life such as that of Djokovic, Shevchenko and Dybala. Very different stories that express the non-sense of many situations, that could also seem comical if they did not have important social implications like Djokovic’s and professional implications like the other two stories.

Everything has been written about Djokovic and the situation seems to have no more secrets. This experience has reintroduced us to the story of the successful person who feels he is beyond the rules and must be accepted for the role he has achieved. When you perceive yourself as untouchable, it’s easy to act on the belief that every choice you make is legitimate and should be accepted. He made a mistake, it ends there.

Shevchenko is the latest example of how too often there is no professionalism in the choice of a coach. Presidents prefer to throw their money away in keeping more coaches under contract, they are resources taken away from other investments that no one seems to care about.

Dybala and his contract that has been pending for several months. It is true that the new contract foresees an important economic jump and the club needs time to decide, but at the same time, the prolongation of this condition for months cannot but exert a negative influence on the player’s serenity. Situations that go on for months without a solution are rarely experienced well by people; on the contrary, they often undermine the player’s confidence and his sense of acceptance. These experiences have a personal psychological cost and eventually damage the team.

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