How to improve the skill to compete

A lot of curiosity at the master’s degree in sports psychology that has just begun has been directed on the thoughts and moods of athletes during competitions and how they handle tension. Below is an example of an answer, to begin to understand.

Being tense, sometimes even terrified, before a competition is absolutely normal. It can be helpful to feel the adrenaline rush and to become fully aware that this is a race and not a training session. Emotions are often accompanied by negative thoughts: unfortunately it happens often and it is normal. Of course it is necessary to have trained the mind to overturn these thoughts, in others that enhance the performance.

It is a mental job that the athletes must do without being dominated by the pessimistic idea that nothing can be done.

Athletes are practical people who, through training, learn to solve the problems coming from competition. They are, therefore, task-oriented people, to what they have to do.The goal is to know how to control what depends on them, in this lies their power and putting to one side what is outside their influence.

As consultants we can start with these points to develop a problem-solving mindset in them.

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