Monthly Archive for August, 2021

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We have all a double citizenship

From an article by Valerio Magrelli on

“There is a very beautiful passage by Susan Sontag that reads: everyone who is born has a double citizenship, in the realm of the good and in the realm of the bad. We would prefer to use only the good passport, but sooner or later everyone is forced at least for a period to recognize himself as a citizen of that other country. And so, despite ourselves, we find ourselves like this. Novalis writes: every disease is a musical problem. Every cure is a musical solution. For me it is an almost incomprehensible oracle, but I find it so poetic that I have included it in my book, Geology of a Father”.

A realistic paradox

“If you become conscience with your struggles — you’re done. You have to forget about what just happened & stay right in the moment.”

Let’s try to explain this phrase by Kobe Bryant, since we have always said that it is important to be aware of our limits and mistakes.  It could be a good exercise to occupy some time of these hot summer days.

Master in sport psychology in Italy

In this blog I want to talk for the first time directly about the master of sport psychology, organized by Psicosport, and of which from the next edition I became scientific manager. I accepted this role because I think that today in Italy we can do much more and better to give a perspective of professional work to those who are interested in doing this activity but also to those who have started to do it over the years but want to find more in-depth information. Finally, the master is also aimed at colleagues who have other specializations and are interested in understanding how they can use their skills in sport and in which areas they can enrich and update them.

Sport is a very wide and diversified field, it can concern the field of youth activities, team sports rather than individual sports, competitive sports and recreational sports and sports for all to say only a few among many aspects of sport. The master wants to make full use of this differentiation and provide knowledge and skills that relate to the different professional areas in which the sport psychologist could work. In this sense, it starts from the activities proposed by the sports market to get to the strategies and techniques to be acquired to be able to meet the needs of sports clubs.

A second central aspect of the master is represented by the internship that will involve psychologists at sports clubs that collaborate with psychosport. The internship will be supervised during the course of the master and the project work will cover the work done and the construction of a consulting project aimed at the sports club.

The internship and the knowledge of the activities required by the sport world to the psychologist represent the backbone of the master, on which will be grafted the learning and insights on strategies and techniques to start or continue a career as a sport psychologist. Consequently, the acquisition of technical skills will never be an end in itself but will be integrated with what needs to be done in the specific work contexts.

Tokyo Paralympic Games: W’re coming soon

Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games - IWBF - International Wheelchair  Basketball Federation

Goals: visualization

Goal: ideomotor training
From 14 years old

  • Self-control should be encouraged to manage behaviors in competitive stress situations.
  • Develop awareness, including emotional and self-regulation skills
  • Full development of mental skills: concentration, emotional control, positive internal dialogue and relaxation
  • Optimize concentration through ideomotor training
  • Ability to manage distractions and interruptions in the game while maintaining peak performance
  • Routines must be mastered with a high level of quality and intensity
  • Fully master routines to perform them under challenging competitive conditions

Remember the values of sport

In these long Olympic days there has been much talk about the values that sport can teach. Well, let’s remember them.

Formative _ As part of an education conceived as a path that accompanies the citizen throughout his life, from childhood to old age. And for young people, educational sport not as a resource for deviance or recovery from marginality, but rather as an integral part of the overall formation of the person.

Health Prevention _To prevent and counteract the damage caused by current lifestyles, childhood obesity and increased life expectancy.

Recreational_To help all ages rediscover the taste for play, an important component of sport, leisure and collective education.

Education to democracy_Respect for the rules, for others, assumption of responsibility, sense of community.

Inclusion and social cohesion_The great challenge of the coming decades, inclusion. The practice of sports can be one of the tools to positively address the problem of integration of immigrants and offer an answer to the problem of fragmentation of our society that produces lack of relationships, isolation of some vulnerable groups, the elderly, disabled, unemployed.

Economic social_ In addition to the sport show, even the practice of mass sports can ensure new and interesting levels of employment. The employment possibilities offered by sport are even greater when sport intersects with social policies and makes public investment in sports promotion more plausible.

5 characteristics of these Olympic Games

“May the force of sacrifice that our young people have shown be ours as well.”
It seems to me that this is the concept that unites the young people of this Olympic Games with all those who have excelled in history. Sacrifice to get there, stay there and for some to win. It’s a concept that has been around for thousands of years. From Aristotle we received a definition of excellence very similar to the one given today: “We are what we constantly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit.”

This was the Olympic Games in which the mind-body unity became apparent to all.
The psychological difficulties that many athletes have manifested and especially the super-winners, the serial winners from Simon Biles to Naomi Osaka to Novak Djokovic, have put us in front of an unequivocal role that the psychology of each plays in determining the choices and performance. Psychologists know these issues well but the general public often wants to ignore or understand them. The realization that even athletes prepared to deal with the stresses of the Olympics are still vulnerable should teach us that we must commit to reducing our daily stresses because we are all fragile.

It was the Olympics for families.
Surveys have always emphasized the role of family affections. The athletes recognize this, the families, each in their own way, more often the mothers if the father has been absent, are a fundamental pillar of their success. This should come as no surprise, of course there are exceptions to this rule but no one grows up alone. Parents have not only provided organizational and economic support but represent an indispensable emotional bond. The media is full of statements of this kind, sometimes one of the parents has been the first coach of some of these young people or continues to be so even when they are champions.

It was the Olympics of dreams realized.
Gregorio Paltrinieri, Vanessa Ferrari, Federica Pellegrini, Luigi Busà and Antonella Palmisano, among others, are the example that one must cultivate one’s dreams without fear of not succeeding, even when one starts from difficult conditions. As they say in everyday language, they achieved their successes not only thanks to their preparation but because they put their heart into it. Let’s use them as examples to get out of the condition of passivity that often affects many people and that can lead to a condition of incapacity and renunciation towards life.

It was the Olympics of mental coaches.
Mental coach is a concept that I don’t like, on the other hand in sport there is a tendency to separate the different professionals who work with athletes. So there is the physical trainer, the coach, the doctor, the physiotherapist, not to mention the osteopath, the posturologist, the vision coach and so on. Each plays a defined role and, therefore, go for the mental coach who has a degree in psychology. Italian athletes have recognized the importance of this and this perception of usefulness is fundamental to the recognition of this type of expertise. It is something absolutely consolidated in most countries, but in Italy it is often a service that athletes choose for themselves and the psychologist often does not participate in international events. In these cases a remote counseling is provided that cannot be as effective as the one in presence. I hope that the success of the Italian Olympic team in this Olympiad, does not confirm the idea that this is okay and that is that at competitions you need the coach, the physical trainer, the physiotherapist and the doctor while the mental coach can do his work from home.

Without mind, there is no body

Senza mente, non c’è corpo: la psicologia dello sport come antidoto al male

“Quando si parla di psicologia dello sport, bisogna distinguere la pratica sportiva dall’attività agonistica.La prima è orientata alla promozione del proprio benessere e ad uno stile di vita adeguato. Oggi è dominante uno stile di vita sedentario, con conseguenze sull’aspetto psicologico. La sedentarietà tende a peggiorare l’umore delle persone, arrivando a determinare forme di psicopatologia o dipendenza da altri sistemi, come la televisione o il cellulare. In questo senso, l’utilità dello psicologo può essere quella di aiutare a comprendere il valore del modo di vivere attivo, che passa per le attività sportive”, spiega Alberto Cei. Lo psicologo dello sport che segue l’ attività agonistica, invece, si occupa di atleti che hanno fatto della passione il loro lavoro. “Il paradosso? Più sei bravo ed entri nella fascia di atleti d’elite, più ogni limite viene evidenziato in maniera esasperata. Un esperto può in questo caso aiutare a migliorare le prestazioni; a gestire momenti di difficoltà; ad avere un’idea di sè positiva; ad accettare gli errori”, prosegue Alberto Cei.

Don’t forget the work culture

Living the enthusiasm of the victories of these days is for us spectators, certainly exciting and makes us feel close to these boys and girls who allow us to live these moments of joy.

However, we must not waste the opportunity not to think that what we see is the final moment of a journey of years of hard work and personal sacrifice. This is not always enough to win, but surely one cannot reach these absolute heights if one does not follow this kind of path. This awareness should serve us to be even more grateful to these young people and not to forget that success cannot be improvised, that one does not become good overnight or by recommendation.

The culture of work, as all the winners talk about, should be something that should distinguish us, each in his or her field, so that the successes and enthusiasm of these days that began with the European Football Championship are not wasted but become part of our inner strength.