Bebe Vio: Expectional

Bebe Vio has been told everything and her successes on and off the platform prove her exceptional nature.

I will add a significant testimony, that of the surgeon who operated on her and who does 7/8,000 operations a year.

“Exceptional. She is so small, tiny, very young, not even a mountain of a man could have done it. But there it’s all about the head, the will, and she has an inexhaustible reservoir of it.”

Let’s remember this description of Bebe Vio, because it comes from a very expert person, who weighs his words and does not live on easy enthusiasms.

Bebe Vio: "Ho rischiato di morire". Rivelazione choc dopo la medaglia d'oro  nel fioretto alle Paralimpiadi Tokyo 2021

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