Social distance causes anxiety

Social distance is a cause of anxiety not always easy to manage. This is the case of Serena Williams, she said:

“Now I’ve been social distancing for actually a really long time, for probably two weeks now, and every little thing makes me crazy. And by anxiety I mean I’m just on edge. Any time anyone sneezes around me or coughs I get crazy. I don’t hang out with anyone, and when I say anyone I mean my daughter.

“She coughed, I got angry and gave her a side-eye. I gave her that ‘angry Serena’ and then I got sad. I was like: ‘Is she OK? Is there something wrong with my daughter? Is there anything I can do?’ I just don’t know what to do, so instead of being relaxed I’m really under a ton of stress.”

It is an example of how difficult is to maintain a constructive self-talk and producing greater confidence on us and reducing irrational fear. Although she is one of the most successful athletes in the history of sport, it is possible to feel intense anxiety. Also in this case it’s about playing a game, virtual, not so much against an enemy invisible to us outside, the virus, but the internal one that can dominate us psychologically.

Anxiety must not dominate us otherwise we will not only live the discomfort caused by social distance but we will also live the distance from our positive and confident parts in the future. We have to struggle to give a constructive meaning to our days.



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