12 sport psychology journals and there are those who still ignore the progress of this science

How many of those who say that sports psychology is not founded on scientific grounds and continue to use only their psychological common sense or what they consider valid for themselves to train athletes.

How many managers, coaches, athletes and parents choose a mental training program provided by a motivator or a mental coach who does not have a degree in psychology because what matters is “making the athletes get the balls out” motivating them with barracks sentences.

Those who think that the psychologist is for the weak, it is for those who need a pat on the back and someone to complain about.

I want to let everyone know that there are 12 international scientific journals in the world publishing every year the results of research conducted in this field of psychology in all the universities of the world, providing a huge contribution to the knowledge and development of mental training systems and athletes development.

Remember that you can’t say I didn’t know.

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