Models of performance excellence

In a multidisciplinary profession such as sport psychology, grounding applied intervention in sound theory is essential. Having a conceptual model or guide for the provision of service generates a plan for the questions we ask, the interventions we propose, and the interactions we have with our clientele.

The foundation for this article was to introduce the readers to several practitioner models highlighting different perspectives and approaches to sport psychology consultation.

The purpose of this article is to share key components of their models to demonstrate the adaptability and creative uses of theory in building models of practice. Fur-thermore, purposeful selection of contributors who practice from interdisciplinary perspectives (e.g., sport science, psychology) occurred with a clear intention to elevate the conversation above simply what methods are used, or “which theory is better.” Rather, the focus of this article is on the wealth of knowledge and resources available to facilitate performance excel- lence from a variety of perspectives.

This contribute shows how is relevant the use of an approach based on known models and that psychology offers different solutions to address the same issues proposed by the excellence performances.

Models of performance excellence: Four approaches to sport psychology consulting

Mark W. Aoyagia, Alexander B. Cohenb, Artur Poczwardowskia, Jonathan N. Metzlerc, and Traci Statler

Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 9 (2) 94-110

ABSTRACT  The models of practice of four sport psychology consultants (Jon Metzler, Mark Aoyagi, Alex Cohen, and Artur Poczwardowski) are presented. While each model is distinct, collectively they illustrate the benefits of theoretically-grounded foundations to practice. The practitioners represented derive their models from multiple disciplines associated with sport psychology. Pure Performance emphasizes precise definitions of key terms and components while utilizing deliberate practice to develop authentic skills. Mental FITness is based on focus, inspiration, and trust to con- ceptualize and facilitate performance excellence. The P.A.C.E. model incorporates Perception, Activation, Concentration, and Execution and applies these elements to Performance Readiness Planning. The “5 Rs” model comprises Respond, Release, Replay, Recharge, and Refocus. The models are presented here for the purpose of demonstrating the breadth with which performance excellence can be conceptualized and facilitated. Implications for practitioners include examples of how theory guides the development of service delivery programs.

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