Praise of walking

Walking is the first thing an infant wants to do and the last thing an old person wants to give up.  Walking is the exercise that does not need a gym.  It is the prescription without medicine, the weight control without diet, and the cosmetic that can’t be found in a chemist.  It is the tranquilliser without a pill, the therapy without a psychoanalyst, and the holiday that does not cost a penny.  What’s more, it does not pollute, consumes few natural resources and is highly efficient.  Walking is convenient, it needs no special equipment, is self-regulating and inherently safe.  Walking is as natural as breathing.

John Butcher, Founder Walk21

The weight condition of the child’s is correlated with that of the parents. In fact, when at least one parent is overweight 22.2% of the children is overweight and 5.6% obese. When at least one parent is obese, 30.7% of children are overweight and 13.3% obese. These data regards Modena, city in the Central Italy, other Regions showed worst results.

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