Monthly Archive for August, 2015

Tamberi was not mentally ready for the high jump final

If the words we uses communicate a psychological meaning, those expressed by Giammarco Tamberi, Italian athlete, to explain his poor performance in the final of the high jump at the Track and Fields World Championships, tell us which way this talented guy should improve.

Tamberi described his performance as follows: “The day started badly, I had not the right feeling … I’m disappointed and angry but I do not know who to blame. Usually we learn from defeats, but I still have to understand. Did the rain influence me? The rain is there for everyone, there is no excuse, others have jumped, you could do it, I do not. I do not understand what went wrong and where I went wrong … if I felt the pressure? Not really, I thought to be comfortable, I waited to race after the long trip, but nothing … sorry. ”

Tamberi takes upon himself the responsibility for its poor performance but can not explain it. For me there are three mental mistakes they have committed:

  • “I thought to be good” – An experienced athlete is not content to think but he bases his belief on the emotions he had every time he performs at the best.
  • “If I felt the pressure? Not really” – At this point three choices or you’re tired or you’re already fulfilled or you’re so stressed not to feel the tension you have. Reduced awareness of the physical and mental condition and no plan to self-regulate himself.

and finally,

  • narcissistic attitudes such as having his face half-shaved and half with a beard, let them do to Bolt, because then you have to know how to stand up with outstanding performance. Otherwise they represent the will to assert himself through a fashion and not by the will to give the best you can.

These are in my opinion the reasons for this poor performance and the improvement goals on which Tamberi should train.


Robert Harting, discus thrower champion, and others athletes tell their bewilderment to the presumed silence of  the track and field international federation accused to have in fact covered up many stories of doping of the last years.

Christian Haettich, the one leg cyclist against any limit

Fifteen years ago, Haettich had been preparing to enter the Sydney Paralympics road race, but at the last minute, and to great disappointment, he learned that his category was not to be included. How does he feel about that now? “When I started on the Haute Route I asked Rémi not to put me in a disabled or wheelchair category, but to ride a bike as a normal. Doing the Haute Route like this is far more rewarding than to compete in a paralympic event. My handicap gives me focus, drive, determination. A reason to do this. It has been tough, but it’s been great to just evolve as a rider to enjoy so many majestic panoramas.”

Christian Haettich, from Alsace in north-eastern, France, lost most of his left leg and part of his left arm due to a road accident in 1976, when he was 15. He was hit head-on by a car while riding a moped. The amputations understandably made his life extremely difficult. He made it through dark times, got married, had children, yet it wasn’t until 1995 when he spotted a cyclist who also had one leg making his way up a col that his life changed again. (From The Guardian).

University master in Sport Psychology

L’Università Telematica San Raffaele, Roma, ha deciso di attivare un Master Universitario di II Livello in Psicologia dello Sport di cui sarò il direttore scientifico ( Si tratta di un’esperienza unica in Italia, poiché la sfida che ci attende è di coniugare insegnamenti web con workshop in aula e un tirocinio supervisionato presso organizzazioni sportive.

Ho dedicato la mia vita professionale all’affermazione e sviluppo in Italia di questa disciplina della psicologia e sono onorato che l’Università Telematica San Raffaele abbia accettato di intraprendere questa nuova sfida in un ambito innovativo, che richiede professionalità specifica e competente.

Il Master è aperto  solo a chi possiede la laurea magistrale in Psicologia conseguito in Italia, ovvero di laurea in Psicologia conseguita secondo il previgente ordinamento universitario ovvero essere in possesso di un titolo equipollente.

Il Master prevede 1.500 ore di lavoro a carico dello studente, articolate in  lezioni online, 2 workshop in sede, un tirocinio supervisionato presso enti e organizzazioni sportive e la preparazione di un Project work finale.

Il tirocinio, della durata di quattro mesi, si svolgerà in strutture quali Scuole Calcio della FIGC, Società Sportive e altre organizzazioni sportive presenti nella tua area geografica di residenza

Il lavoro effettuato nel tirocinio sarà presentato nel Project work discusso al termine del Master.

I docenti sono professori universitari, psicologi professionisti che lavorano in ambito sportivo e docenti della Scuola dello Sport del Coni. Le aree che verranno trattate riguardano:

  •  Gruppi e dinamiche di gruppo nello sport,
  • Processi cognitivi e tecniche psicologiche per l’incremento delle prestazioni sportive
  • Lo sport nelle diverse fasi del ciclo della vita
  • Il marketing di se stesso,
  • Strumenti e tecniche di valutazione psicologica nello sport
  • Sport, salute e benessere
  • Psicologia delle organizzazioni sportive
  • L’organizzazione del settore giovanile
  • Fondamenti di metodologia dell’allenamento
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