Teach the grit

A new way to teach optimism, Amy Lyon instructs students to become aware of their thoughts through a tool called a “grit pie.” The pie itself represents a student’s obstacle, and each slice represents a realistic cause of the problem. Students analyze whether their thoughts about the problem are permanent (“I stink at math and will never get good at it”) or temporary (“I was distracted by my friends”), and whether they blame themselves (“I didn’t ask for help when I was confused by my math assignment”) or others (“the teacher doesn’t like me”) for the problem. Ideally, students’ thoughts are temporary, and if they take at least some personal responsibility for the problem — both of which make positive change much easier.

(By Edutopia)

1 Response to “Teach the grit”

  • La presentazione è molto interessante e facile da capire. Tuttavia, a livello pratico mi sembra l’applicazione della teoria dell’attribuzione (Weiner, 1972) o sbaglio?

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