Tutto il Brasile giocherà con la propria squadra

Il Brasile in queste ore sta tenendo il fiato sospeso, la vita quotidiana si è fermata per lasciare spazio all’attesa e poi alla partita con la Germania.

Un amico, psicologo dello sport, John Salmela da Belo Horizonte dove vive da anni mi ha scritto ieri:

“It is total silence here in my world in Brazil. There was no game yesterday nor today. I seems like I am in Samuel Becketts´ play, Waiting for Godot! … But life will change tomorrow with the game between Brazil and Germany in Belo Horizonte! The city has been completely electrified, welcoming and generous, but since we are off on the coast, few foreigners know about Belo, although it has 5 million inhabitants. So, as I did in the three previous games and since we live about 3 km from the Mineirão stadium, I go out in my car and pick up 4-5 fans from different countries (Iran, Costa Rica, England), and drive the  500 m from the stadium. They cannot believe what I did, and will do so tomorrow with the Germans while trying not to bring up Hitler´s name. Enjoy the Cup if you can, but you can be certain that I will be either living or dying.”

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