Dove nasce la speranza di Rudi Garcia

Mancano poche giornate alla conclusione del campionato di calcio e Rudi Garcia, allenatore della Roma, continua a sperare che qualcosa di positivo per la squadra possa ancora accadere anche se la Juventus ha un vantaggio di 8 punti.  Da dove nasce questa speranza nella mente di Garcia?

“Snyder, Irving & Anderson (1991, as cited in Snyder, 2000, p.8) define hope as “a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful (a) agency (goal-directed energy) and (b) pathways (planning to meet goals)” .

Hope theory can be subdivided into four categories: goals, pathway thoughts, agency thoughts and barriers. Goals that are valuable and uncertain are described by Snyder (1994, as cited in Snyder, 2000, p.9) as the anchors of hope theory as they provide direction and an endpoint for hopeful thinking. Pathway thoughts refer to the routes we take to achieve our desired goals and the individual’s perceived ability to produce these routes (Snyder, 2000).  Agency thoughts refer to the motivation we have to undertake the routes towards our goals. Barriers block the attainment of our goals and in the event of a barrier we can either give up or we can use our pathway thoughts to create new routes.” (From

Questa definizione si adatta bene alla Roma, poiché la squadra ha costruito la sua fiducia tramite i risultati e la coesione di squadra, mettendo la sua energia in questa direzione e mostrando durante tutta la stagione la strada che ha preso per raggiungere la posizione attuale.

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